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View Poll Results: What do you think?
sacsha00786, 1gator, AaronRolex, Abdullah71601, ACF1, AgentHsu, AJMarcus, Alex_TA, amg55, amgrider, Andad, AP1980, arizonapaul, asoriano, BadgerHawk, bigpopaz, bjw, blanche, Bobby T, brookish, BSUTex, buckrogers0025, busytimmy, Calatrava r, calibre4130, carlhaluss, CDNWatchNut, Cdollarsign, Chewbacca, ChronoSloth, cmcm3, colin46, Colinleunson, coxswain, cpefy3, CRM114, cwieb, CYKBC, D111s, dabbotjordan, dadonn2, Davidmay, ddpd, descartes, dexvd, dhermidar, DK2, Dnf888, DocJacko, Dove37, Dusko.Popov, enterprice16, erict, Etschell, evlkoala, fletch, Flex368, Fresh_1, frogmann, Fully, fungo, funkyegg, f_klo, G MACD, Gaijin, Gary2889, genauto, Gerardus, GMT Aviator, gone-rolex-mad, GSBC, Hamish, handsfull, HauteHorlogerie, helicopterpilot91, heresiarh, hoanghung45, Hollister, Horse12, Hotrod297, hugs, hwilson624, Ian Macdermott, irish john, jackcarls0n, Jambo86, jazznpool, Jbw1011, jbwatch, JerseyGuy, jimcameron, JimMiller, jmeeks1124, joco, Joespeed, JohnAcosta, joshua08, jtolhurs23, jwill051, KarlS, kdqq, kelv_w, kentheevil, khrystyan, kilyung, KJBLK, kk888, knifeinhand, KY5-0, lain09, Lark, lektion12, lock0ut, lrebelo, LuminousMaximus, Max72, McDusty, Mercman1, mikelcch, mmusa, Mrbrianau, mschafer, MSK, Mtn Biker, MyDadsAirKing, NAVY, nilfire77, NLYogi, Number3, nursejm, nwk00, NyOO768, OcdRob, Old Expat Beast, oldblock, oldsalt, OneMoreSi, opaline460, opawlows, oscardharmawan, outie, padi56, paltak, PaulRP, Pius XIII, ragingcao, Rameez-Q, Red Devil, Red99, reloxt, rfatm3f, rgnathan, RichM, roadkillrob, rocketiii, rodan, Rodrigo082, Rolex Freak, RolexPD, Ruud Van Driver, RXAPPP, S.C, SaddleSC, sameer222, Saoirse32, Sarasotawatchcompany, Sarat1538, saycheesedotcom, Sea-Dweller4000-Scot, seadog, seadweller43, SeaDweller50, Shamorai, shenzenus, sickened1, Siglo6, simbal, slang1963, smith, Spartan1, speedbird90, speedmaster73, srodriguez587, Starhutch, Stonosam, Stuntpilot, subtona, sulttaani, superdog, SWISSAHOLICS, swsc, swully, T.Rex, TalonTsiAwd, Teaberryj32, texstrat, thedips, timeldn, Toony, topcat30093, toucan, Trazor, TSts, VicLeChic, Vladislav, vman, walds11, Walster, Watch Rob, watchbowl, Watchunters, wisguy, withthesword, wiwhite, wng, wristmatic, Xarklee, Xerxes77, yjfang, zakattack62, zesty55, zion_rasta, Zipdog
223 25.54%
Not bored
///armin, 1166600, 1William, A.I., adawil2002, Aerotol786, Agustin_Nielsen, ajas, alexlt730512, Aliow, amilch, [email protected], Andrés G, Andy540, andyol1966, arturob, AU_911tt, baexx021, Bfd70, BGRINDEL, BigCFM, BIGTEX, BLACKHORSE 6, blam3344, blastpack, Blong, Bluehinder, Bluside, Borsika, brettpaul, brian808, brucethemanlee, Bruins7, Bsybeen, Busyboy, carreramay, Case61, cc75, cdbeaver66, Cesarmsi, chad362wiley, Chadridv, chemistryde, chrisb57, CK9366, Colina19, Constantine, CrazyMD, Crispy0121, Cru Jones, cseme61, D. Whitman, darepatek, dave_dave, Davida3544, Daytona2016, daytonaTBR, DCheeta, DeeTee, Demonoid, Dewitte, doc.kool, DoctorA, doozyj, DPE, Dpet, Dr.Smellody, Dtle, Dubarzy, elee617, el_june, Epatt99, Fansong, Farsh14, FlyinM3, Frank McKay, FXR, GEEBARR, golfer23, Goodsoal, GoodToBeKing, Gotgolf52, GP13, Grisha40299, grooveman, GsurgBM, gtnator, gummy, Hadley'sDad, hammer34, hknnhr, HogwldFLTR, Horologista, jacksot, Jakko, JapRs, Jason71, JBrown717, Jinson, JJG, Jmals, jodaor, JohnLT, JParm, Justinmg, KeepTicking, KH8, Kitto, Kjels, KKSigua, KVNNSCHNG, KWongyaowarat, landroverking, lecorsaire, lee fowler, Leodagan, lig, locutus49, LSUfan, Magnum75, main course, mansoorkhamis, masyv6, MCO1, mdgreenb, melman, metdrdg, mikew1965, MrCaliber, Murdoc370, myc ritz, Navarino, Nidal, Nsingh, Nyc27000, Nycturbovr6, oldman2005, Ove, Overcomer, PerioBear, Phudu, Pmt2, porschejeff, pumped, Punishher7, Radix, Rags, ramili, ras47, Rb10chris, rcambrid, rebel_1, RFIgroup, Richard747, Rogdogg, Rogicoco, RoLen, ropadope, RoverLR4, rpl77, Sal_UKSheffield, Sammym, samson66, sapper17, sarjoo, sawhornsoff, scooba, ScottC, sdds84, sea-dweller, Seattlerf, Shaky, Shan77, Shutterlife, Sky21, Slimbloke, slowmagic, socialpro, soilwork, SonnyAK, speedy_master1, SPMN, springer, srsh_manutd, Ss22525, ssetem, Stealthily, Stevestojan, Sub King, sullivan2829, sunnyd, Swarley, swatty, swwags2015, Sydny2, T. Ferguson, TAKUYA, Tan, tatery, TDD94, TheRolexKingofLV, thesultan57, the_natural, TOlsen, Triple Crown, truedis, Turboalex, Tw2ntyTwo, Tweety2605, unknown, Uppersouth, versatile1, Vetracer, viper, Walts, Watch@ddict, WatchinMD, watchucallit, watchwatcher, wetoey, whiskymac, Wllnv19, WristleMania, wulu, xIZeitgeistIx, YankeeClipper, yannis, Yobber76, Zach Sousa, zardoyator21, Zedder, ~JJ
232 26.58%
Bored and think previous SS is still better 108 12.37%
Not bored and new SS is better
'Andy', 18KDATE, 9100rpm, ABChop, AboutTime, adamalfie, Aetius, affalterbach, AK797, Akkis, al503, AlvinC, Amileon, antde, ap1, Arden425, ARod, AS1, ash20, asnyc75, azs.77, Ball_cd, bardm, bcmind, Beano, bebeqq1231, BigJoe, Bigsykedaddy, bmq, bmwatts, BNA/LION, bostonrecruit, brandrea, brigadoonb, Brownbearsg, Captain Zorro, carnegie, cbondanz, chendrickson, chicagonoob, chirojared, Chloe&Harley, Chonograph, Chute, clpski, codename92, coolaking, Coop13, courboy, CPA Standard, Crashblue, crhiu, Cru Jones, Cuoresportivo, cz72, D.CAT, DaBoncu2902, daftsham, Dahl, Danny83, dardeca, DatejustKing, Dauntless, davenotize, dayman, Daytona88, daytonaTBR, db73met, DESH, DIVER4USN, djackson410, Django, DoctorA, donut, dr-go, dr.ns23, Dr.T, dr3ziz, Duey, duk9000, Eight, eightball76, ejvette, EL Diablo, emagni, Emreozcan, EricChoi, ernie2, ersing, Eva123, Ewellblue, Fasteddiefelson, Fattiger, Fensterdub, fishingbear, fixinbones, flippin, flyboy_421, fmc000, Fongball, Franks07, FrankSub, Gandallfino, gatsbie69, Gavster, GB-man, Gen5accordv6, genta, GEO_79, Gerd, glamorama, GMT13, GMViloria, godowning, GolfPunk, goog53, Gotwire, Greyson, grnbean, Gtviper21, Hadley'sDad, Halothane, Harbinger, hknnhr, HL65, HOHO, Hucksimp, Iflylo, igy22, infoe, Investr, ispep, j-watch, Jackl02, jacksot, jagwap, James A., Javier2.0t, jctrolex, jdhartman, jguerra04, jhbyun1101, jnkay, jnovo24178, Joelmor, JoelUlrich, johndudeney, Johnnyhayward, joli160, Joseph.Klein, JPizzzle, JRT, jrt8711, jsw7, ju5t1nb, jun_andou, Jwin, kahwing, kenzembo1, kh1970, Kigan, KingRichard, KKO, kMDvoinik, Kneecough, Koala, Laurie25, LBC4225, lbhphx23, Lee66, Leo51, LLmrol, LLPavorsky, Lol-x, Lolek King, lord91, Lordofrolex, m3ach, magnetic, Magwitch, mailman, markseattle, Maxy, McLovin, mdavidson217, MFM, Michael N Q8, Micwok, mighl1, Milton86, mj043, mlgonal, Moggie1909, moofur, movie9, Mr Cosmograph, Mr. Adair, Mr. K, msimm30, mudd, mufc, NathC, Navarino, nc75, ND10, nicolas_jaber, Nidal, NoobSial, Northlove, npapal, NSmalls, Numberjack, nycpassat, Oyster Al, Pacheco, Palermo, Paul G., Peter99, philiprx, pie72, Pierre.C, Point2Point, polaris72, Porsche9284, ppbskis, qadhi, Quicksilver, Rafabond, Ralph-E, RAR112, RationalPragmatist, Ravager135, Ray6Chan8, Razenzo, reecester, regnant, Renshin, rexG, richamby, Richmor, RickR, Ristretto, rkk208, RMC12, Robb, Rocket_Man, roger0770, Rolex Love, RolexEDC, rolexjc, Rolexman17, rolexnub, RollTide2014, rominvicta, RoverLR4, Rt0203, rudegar, RUK, Rushne, Russell996, S329, sagalassos, sampelligrino, Sathian, sathwik, sbardy69, SCL, sco, ScottC, SD23, sdh1980, seanalexander, sfnyc, Shichinin, ShneaSIG, sholzer, simongpaez, singe89, Skyrider01, slillestrand, Slippy Chips, SlipR35, Soujiro, soundserious, srf52, Starwalker, status.six, Steve36Efc, steveclr, stevestrh, Stros1965, Sub-Lover, SUB14, Sublovin, sypen, TDD94, thedips, TheVTCGuy, thk1, tie219, Timmis, Timrolexnl, tkerrmd, Tom808, toto, Trailblazer, TrajanACC, travisb, tubojunk, tudorluv, txakal, unsungrolex, Vaxe, Verdi, vistec, Vivalas, Wacko, WAK4, Walts, watchaser, Waterloo 360, Wildy, woland, woodbine, WYIM, Xeer, yodawatch, Yudi, z80, Zen77, zoenoadad
331 37.92%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 873.

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