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View Poll Results: Which dial colour do you like?
186%, 1William, airpeace, AJM914, AK797, alika, armybuck041, arturob, asnyc75, bahamas72, bardm, Beazer, Bgator, Bobby T, bryan13, busytimmy, buzzman, BZA, carwash66, catsby90, cc75, challer, chemistryde, christopheran, Chute, ckpeters, cnorris, CRM114, CyberPaol, danlar, danwang0520, DavePryor, David5807, deannatime, dimster, DKRanger22, doc76, DocHorton, DowntotheLine, Dpet, duc888, Eagle dunes 75, elcompa, Epatt99, Ferdelious, FiguredMaple, fskywalker, G MACD, gbl76, GfromMT, Gharddog03, gleek, gmstevenson, GoingPlaces, greenjacket, Hard_Six, Highjinx, Hoboken30, HobokenRolex, Iarnold12, indexmatch, jaden0726, Jason71, JasoninDenver, Jbenhan8, jdhartman, Joe1222, Joearch, JoeG74536, Jollibee, Jp28, jrt8711, JS4LUV, jtolhurs23, jvd99, kalo925, Kampmann, kentheevil, kh1970, Krash, Len S, LightOnAHill, LittlePud, Louis (Toronto), Maiden, mailman, makak, MariettaMike, Matic, mikey s., MilgaussBe, morimotom, Mrhenish, mrterrific, nightpilot, nikesupremedunk, No SUBctitute, NoVaSubowner, OliNick, Out Island, pam66, Paul7, Paul_I, peacocknation, peterpl, Pius XIII, Rafy14, ragingcao, RanHong, reecester, rjd1, rklee85, Roert7, Rolex Freak, RolexRon456, rominvicta, Rover, SA1, sal's mundo, salo75, SamP, sbell1, scarlet knight, Seconds, serikloo, sgwatch, Smarties, soran, stanleyleecm, Steerpike999, Sub King, Sucuri, superstarmar, Swevic, TacticaLCawacoL, tattooedtexan, teo, Thegr8one, TK-710, Tluk01, tomchicago, toneafficianado, Tonster, toucan, Triple Crown, Viking, Vishy26, W605, westsideclock, www888, YachtMaster22, yessir69, zakattack62
153 42.62%
Olive Green
123Blueface, 123joule, 81sforlife, AAVDB, abozz, ACF1, adawil2002, aero1126, aes7.5x55, Air Rescue 5, al503, Alex Ks, alexlt730512, ali.murtopo74, antde, ap1, apbc2, aspivo, Auerr, azakaria, baexx021, Ballzzz, BlockU, blupil, BNA/LION, BobDyl, Borgia, bpetty13, BradC, brandrea, breads1, BSUTex, BzKneez, car_wash_guy, cbondanz, chad362wiley, Chadridv, ChipClip2, Colin G, coxswain, crazycarlitos, Cru Jones, darwin95, Darzee, dba, Delands, Dennisoul, DESH, DJH1977, Dkmiami, Dougmyers4, dr35mm, DrCraig, Drew1204, Dude74, el_june, EXCELSIOR, eyeheartny, farguello5100, Flex368, floraneg, floris, FlyinM3, Fresh_1, G.D.BeanCounter, Gaijin, GED, Gerardus, GFONG, gliderpilot, gman5515, Gregtzky, Halldactor, HL65, HogwldFLTR, Houston77, huncho, jagwap, JayAK, jay_kay, jb335, jbullis, Jbw1011, jctrolex, JEKLM, jenniferjanef, JJG, jjhansen, jnkay, Joemck, joli160, jun_andou, justdate, k1985, kamaran, KBM, KeepTicking, Kneecough, KrismanX, lig, liminc, LittlewoodsThree, LNG168, lord91, Luk, lukajur, macduffi, Majin Buu, Malibuboy, manabo, MBYSF, mdavidson217, mikew1965, mikkemus23, Milton86, mjg002, mrenvy, nabil nsouli, Navarino, NAVY, neurotichamster8, nickypwr, nilel, NMPP, nyc2la, NYG1121, Old Geezer, Olli67, Olliepem, Only70Watch, opaline460, opawlows, paralia, Pavlos, Pawalu, Peppe08, philster, pie72, Pkim024, powerfunk, pumped, Pwilliams, R. Francis, r8t3d_M, Rameez-Q, rdjp, Reno, rexG, rhairman, Rich7500, RickR, RoLen, Rolex.c6, Rolex511, Romeomikehotel, ronricks, S-F, sachit, SaddleSC, sanborn, sbardy69, SBC1986, scoobnoob1103, SearChart, sensui, serdarfl, shiroutsuri, Siglo6, simbal, Singslinger, sliu137, smym18, sonin, ssingh, StackLexus17, Starwalker, Steady, steamin, Suttree, swatty, Terrakot, The B, TheRolexKingofLV, Thewallin, THFCCAMBS, Thorr, TickTockChuck, tie219, tkdgod, tkerrmd, Top_Clock, travisb, ttdk, Tweety2605, Vatkens, vitalsignsrn, vitbeo, Volt55, watchaser, watchwatcher, wesleyvs, westsiderkg, Wimpydailo, woodsworth, Yobber76, zjd168
206 57.38%
Voters: 359.

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