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View Poll Results: Ban investment discussions?
This poll will close on 10 July 2018 at 03:08 AM
Yes, I can't take it any more!
037, 1166600, 24Heures, ACF1, adawil2002, agsstructures, AJMarcus, Al1969, Amazing, ashokleyland, atmosfear, Baco Noir, balla, beshannon, betterwatchit, Bigsoftee, Black_Rat, Blue Line, Boaters, BobDyl, Bradc1, cchris, Chappers, Chloe&Harley, Chrispare, chrissieboy, ChronoSloth, Colin G, cpefy3, Crispy0121, Cyril Holst, D111s, Dahl, DasKptl, datejust24, dba, descartes, dhermidar, Divingdeep87, dmf2001, Do0ver, DocHorton, Double_A, dubins930, emersm, enginerd, evlkoala, Explorer-P, Faddius, Fawkesguy, Flyinghunter, G MACD, GarageBMW, gccmd, Georges_Paris, GoingPlaces, gould86, GradyPhilpott, Grally, Hamstur, harvey, havingagoodtime, HK Islandboy, Howie, huydoan, Hx2, iancs, Ichiran, j-watch, jackcarls0n, jarjar500, JayHantz, jburson250, JC509, jfmiii, JLM3, John Hansen, joli160, Joseph.Klein, josephvman, jrt8711, Justinmg, jvd99, Kieranrd, knifeinhand, kzm40, lbhphx23, Linzjnr, liuk3, LLmrol, Locust, Loevhagen, lord91, mag, mailman, masterp07, matthundreds, mattmatt300, meyers, Michael N Q8, Michigan_State, mobster600, mrricks, MrWeha, MTx2, Muxi, NAVY, NKflyer, Number3, oldblock, opawlows, oroloi, Oscaronv, Oscarpapa, Out Island, Palmetto_32, phamortho, Pius XIII, PJitz, Plai, polaris72, PPFANBOY, Providence Collector, Pw92676, Quamby, Quicksilver, rahible, Rallyboat, Rashid.bk, rchadavery, rhairman, rickytz7111, RolexEDC, RolexPD, Ron Mexico, samshah, samson66, Sandpit, SearChart, SemperFi, shalako, sillo, Silvio_86, Skanse, SMD, Soultime, springer, stevestrh, storm66, stratguy, Stratos, sudo_root, sunnyd, tacotaco, Terrakot, The Joker, The Kermit, The Libertine, thedips, Thuilln, thuphung, TimeToWatch, tng11, Tomas Eriksson, Toolwatch1, toto, Trane, turnleftgofast, tyguy74, uber, unknown, VinnieVegas, watchwatcher, watsotdaytona, wfreed22, Woody, Wools, WS9D, zetaplus93, Zman15, ~JJ
181 57.64%
No, I love talking about money all the time! 133 42.36%
Voters: 314.

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