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View Poll Results: Celebration Dial? Love it or Hate it and why
This poll will close on 20 June 2024 at 12:11 AM
Love it
123Blueface, 94ExplorerII, 996marty, Abcdefg123, Actor07, ArtNouveau, babouelnil, Bald Angus, Bazil, bestkepttime, bigheart, BIGMAC142, BillA, bioyuki, Blackmoor, BlondesNwatches, Bob the brush, Bob-a-Job, BobbyD2323, calibrad, Callmepeshy, CarlOver, casrewisc, Cassian739, CedCraig, Cevap, chirojared, CHRK33, codecow, cornsyrup_bezel, D3R3K, DanB, DanCav, dandy, daOnlyBG, DavidSB, DaytonaAllDay, Daytonaman799, DC_PSU, deeman54, Deppe, derrondoc, Dini, DJ_Lilman, DK7, Doood, dr.ns23, Dr.Stu, elee617, enjoythemusic, fsouth, ganagati, GBD, Gingerbread Man, gold&black, Gooding85, goodtimesco, Gooswyn, HeisenHog, Hulkster88, illiguy, Jackie Daytona, jlovda, jlv982, joe&joe, Joearch, Joeklh, John Hansen, JPizzzle, JSCP, Kap007, KatGirl, kris12, Kt92, KVNNSCHNG, lab rat, Lambo The Jambo, Lceltic, Loujo, ltmgeller, M@2, MBV, MDR143, Meyrin, Milton86, moofur, Moondoggy, Mr Ben, Mr. Drunmond, mrlube1151001, MSL997, msum, Nairn1980, Neil McCauley, Newbie2277, nithicha, noshame, nyeahx2, okcbanker, OTX, Oyster Al, Paisano, PenDelicate, Peter1980t, propofolboy, rfs, rhinoman, rmlovett1, Robf52, rockmastermike, Roger Lococco, Rolex.Swiss.Watches, rolexgiants, Rolexnabzy, rossi46, RotorSelfWinding, RRGHOST1, RTG, RX0, Saiyajin, salnuaimi, Sam787, sauna, Scottyboy, sekesq, Shaw2412, shoppy, Slackergirl, Smols, SMPc, sombra, Steele, Stewart_88, studioJ, SudiYunus, TBC123, TEPSD4K, The Conch, theparry, TheRtHonA, TikTok, time_and_cars, tinybiopsee, tlbarrs, ToF, tokei_life, Tomas Bohmann, Tuma, Verdi, WalterBOC, watch.bunker, WristWatchWonders, Xenophon, yld2rob, Zorbz91, Zorro79, zosg
157 48.01%
Hate it
-Ally-, 10mmauto, 1Daytona, 1William, 928ktgold, Adit84, AED_Watch, AEV, amoraca, Arothsch, Asvn, B2 Stealth, bamajoe, Bartosz, Be_Water, Big Tex Rolex, BigFig, bill4807, bjdub, bjespo, Blackbeer, bliss, Bourne, Bozzie1982, bradiowausa, brucethemanlee, cadillacman, calvindacack, Cambo, Chadmelago, Chefinspecteur, chevyapache, chorne, cleansocks, DAGMoney, dannyboy123, Dawgprint, devisioner, dhucke, DJM4, Driver8, Duey, Easy123, emersm, enicar, espanol, EyeoftheTiger, fadz, floraneg, Flyer737, fskywalker, Georges_Paris, georgios1961, Ghost410, gnuyork, greenmachine17, Gwai, HappyPrince, Hardtimes, harvey, Hcw, HHIslander, Hkspwrsche, HL65, Jake Sully, javier, JDFB, jimcameron, Jim_K, JMP57, jn2d1986, JRell, jzra, kcd13, kcmo, Kevin of Larchmont, Kiddodoc, kinglawdaddy, liberalclown, Little machines, londondude, majm, Manu74, marmite2005, Masteryacht, metallic, mgsooner, Mick Z, mike morris, mikel, milgauss2232, MK25toLife, MoosicPa, Mountain66, Mr. Xmas, Mystro, never2late, Nodzex, noobs, nosignalbmwdriver, Ny325, Nyl, Old Expat Beast, opawlows, PandaLover, Paul r, petay993, Phil8352, pie72, prushkovez, Puffy412, Rags, Rahen, RanHong, rgwarden, RichM, rob i, Robb, Rolex Rash, RolexAwaytheDew, RolexBHR, Rolexken, rolexpatek363, Rufoad, sac000, sagla, sah, samson66, SavGADawg, SBR, searas, Sergio_UKR, Serif, shredace, smym18, snowgoat, Socal Runner, somphob08, spellmanski, statsman12345, storm66, sub23, Sublovin, SvenNikolai, swish77, S’portEye, t3mmaurer, t65tampa, tabish, Tez777, The Kermit, TheHulk, TinFoilCat, tomms, transmoo, TruthBalance, Tylerlsu2008, Victor Cohen, victorchng, Watchsprings, watchwatcher, Wee-Willie, Wes1124, WheresCassAt?, wjj, worldofoyster, wyguy, Y1984, YoyoGift8, ~Ocho1~
170 51.99%
Voters: 327.

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