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Old 13 February 2012, 10:17 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2012
Real Name: JOHN
Location: Florida
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Changed my collection it just me?

I have as my day watch a bi metalic GMT on a Jubilee bracelet thats like new that I love. (Ive had it 20 yrs. I have just bought two new Rolies...

My life long dream of a Day Date President in Gold. I also bought a BRAND NEW - OLD STYLE explorer 2.

I bought the explorer while I could still get this new as I dont like the new one so much. Is it just me or are these new larger Rolex watches not as nice...They dont seem to fit the bracelet - the scale is out for me.I much prefer the smaller watch as I think its far more elegant and a proper balenced design between bracelet scale and watch and I think more sophisticated and will stand the test of time. I know its only 1mm . Any one else agree or am I just getting fuddy duddy as I get older?
love to know what a designer thinks of putting a larger watch while keeping the bracelet unchanged?

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Old 13 February 2012, 12:16 PM   #2
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Your not the only one, there are many here who agree with you. Peersonally I think sometimes it just depends on what you are used. Somtimes others actually perfer the newer style for what it brings to the table. The good thing about it is that there are plenty of each to go around so you have the abilty to chose what works best for you.

Me, I have a little bit of both. I like a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
When it captures your imagination, that's when you know you have found your passion.

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