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Old 5 March 2019, 06:13 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
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Rolex as the appetizer..

Went to a family dinner at my wife’s cousins house, and as I sat down I immediately noticed a couple of Rolexes right across the table staring at me. Her cousins brother and sister in law, wearing a YG DD36 and everose DJ TT 36. While I believe he noticed my daytona also, I didn’t immediately comment on their watches. The icebreaker was the older gentleman sitting next to the DD grabbing his wrist and asking what kind of watch that he was wearing. After he did this I chimed in that he and his wife had great looking watches. He mentioned that he was looking to upgrade to the DD40 and give the DD36 to his wife. Since it was his wedding watch she wouldn’t go for it and shot down that idea lol.

He then commented on my daytona on how that was a hard watch to find and I told him it was very hard for me to acquire. During our discussion, my wife’s cousin mentioned that he owns a WG DD, but rarely wears it. My immediately reaction was why not?!?! He also mentioned he noticed my watch, but didn’t know which model it was.

While I was the only WIS at the table, it was enjoyable discussing watches through the rest of dinner. Also, while people don’t always say anything to you, it definitely doesn’t mean they haven’t noticed what you’re wearing.
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