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Old 31 August 2009, 07:20 PM   #1
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I'm in love with watches!!

I was never a watch user but i just got my first watch and I'm totally in love! I'm starting to want more watches But I'm still in college and broke as heck. The watch i'm looking at is around $500. My parents are outrage cause I just got a new watch and we're not "rich". But I REALLY REALLY want this watch. The problem is i can't get a job being a full time student. I also spend a lot of time working on projects just a hobbie that i enjoy doing. So my question is, How can i get a half a grand while not having a part time job? I guess i can be able to afford it once i graduate but i don't think i can wait that long. WHY WAIT? My main concern is that this watch won't be available in couple years. I like my watch to be brand new.... So that's my main problem. AHH I NEED half a grand. it sucks being poor....
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Old 31 August 2009, 07:23 PM   #2
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Well you answered your own question - find a part time job. What model is your current goal?
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Old 31 August 2009, 07:24 PM   #3
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Old 31 August 2009, 07:34 PM   #4
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Dude, I know how you feel I was very poor at college and had a part time job during term time and vacation. Unless things have changed since I was at school, I bet you can fit in a bit of work somehow. When you go down to the super market, buy a load of cookies and sell them to the pot heads late at night! (come on, you've seen that episode of Friends)
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Old 31 August 2009, 07:39 PM   #5
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Im wondering if your parents are helping you with your fees for college? If they do they are entitled to have a sense of outrage.

This is just MHO, but perhaps get a part time job and help out your parents, your watch will wait for the time being.


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Old 31 August 2009, 08:41 PM   #6
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ahhh, methinks I hear the end of your own personal 'Fantasy Island' epsiode(an old TV show where guests were taken to experience their own special 'Fantasy' come true; soapy and sophomoric) need to generate income. Working in a local restaurant might do, if your grades don't suffer and your parents agree........

good luck and welcome to the wonderful world of expensive watches!
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Old 31 August 2009, 11:03 PM   #7
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First thing you do is stop thinking about it as half a grand. Think of it as 500 dollars. That sounds like a lot less money and it will make it easier for you to start saving. Sounds silly, but it is true.

Step 2: Start researching. Chances are that you will find it somewhere for a lot less than that. If the watch has an MSRP of 500 bucks new, you can more than likely find that slightly used for 150.

Step 3: Set a date by which you want to have the watch. A target is a must. No target equals no motivation to start TODAY.

Step 4. Analyze your spending. Do you need those Red Bulls every day? Can you eat a 99 cents Whopper Jr. for lunch instead of a 5 dollars or 10 dollars meal? You're a student, so more than likely you go out with your friends for drinks. Drink one or two less every time you go out and stick the savings in a jar.


Good luck with your quest. Most material things in life are attainable if you want them bad enough.
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Old 1 September 2009, 05:50 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by SLRdude View Post
First thing you do is stop thinking about it as half a grand. Think of it as 500 dollars. That sounds like a lot less money and it will make it easier for you to start saving. Sounds silly, but it is true.

Step 2: Start researching. Chances are that you will find it somewhere for a lot less than that. If the watch has an MSRP of 500 bucks new, you can more than likely find that slightly used for 150.

Step 3: Set a date by which you want to have the watch. A target is a must. No target equals no motivation to start TODAY.

Step 4. Analyze your spending. Do you need those Red Bulls every day? Can you eat a 99 cents Whopper Jr. for lunch instead of a 5 dollars or 10 dollars meal? You're a student, so more than likely you go out with your friends for drinks. Drink one or two less every time you go out and stick the savings in a jar.


Good luck with your quest. Most material things in life are attainable if you want them bad enough.
Some good advice there, Chip. A little savings go a long way!!
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Old 1 September 2009, 12:24 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by refreshe123d View Post
The problem is i can't get a job being a full time student. I also spend a lot of time working on projects just a hobbie that i enjoy doing.
I don't buy this at all, I was a full time student at college and involved in many other outside commitments (projects, etc.) and I always found time to work (heck, I had student loans to pay), I worked on campus and off campus as did many of my friends. Work is also quite a good thing to have on your resume because including your school work and projects, a job is something potential employers look for to see if you are able to balance all those various commitments.

As others have suggested, go get yourself a part time job so you can fulfill your desire to have this watch you mention.
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Old 1 September 2009, 02:23 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by forza1976 View Post
I don't buy this at all, I was a full time student at college and involved in many other outside commitments (projects, etc.) and I always found time to work (heck, I had student loans to pay), I worked on campus and off campus as did many of my friends. Work is also quite a good thing to have on your resume because including your school work and projects, a job is something potential employers look for to see if you are able to balance all those various commitments.

As others have suggested, go get yourself a part time job so you can fulfill your desire to have this watch you mention.
I agree with you whole heartedly. As a college student, I ran my own business (full time job), took classes (full time), and still managed to be involved in other projects and hobbies. All of these activities contributed to my ability to get a decent job out of school and ultimately pursue my dreams. Now as a college professor, it really irks me to see this kind of behavior from a college student. I won't even begin to go after the poor grammar and spelling, but the attitude is just ridiculous. Sorry, this just gets my goat.

Get a job. Build your resume. Earn that watch you want. Then it'll be that much more special to you.
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Old 1 September 2009, 08:14 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by diablojota View Post
I agree with you whole heartedly. As a college student, I ran my own business (full time job), took classes (full time), and still managed to be involved in other projects and hobbies. All of these activities contributed to my ability to get a decent job out of school and ultimately pursue my dreams. Now as a college professor, it really irks me to see this kind of behavior from a college student. I won't even begin to go after the poor grammar and spelling, but the attitude is just ridiculous. Sorry, this just gets my goat.

Get a job. Build your resume. Earn that watch you want. Then it'll be that much more special to you.
X2K :-)

I was studying, working at my Dads service station after hours, working at a panel repair shop on weekends, tutoring any chance I could get (easy money) before that I worked at my Dads service station again after school and on weekends, purchased my first car at the age of 16, couldn't drive it till I was 18 (Cough Cough!) there has been times where I have been riding by the seat of my pants, close to the edge, but I've always working and gotten what I wanted :-)

I'm cracking up here reading this back to myself now did I leave out the part of walking to school, in 10 foot of snow and opening tins of sweets with our teeth, and sharing my pajamas with the rest of the family at the same time My Dad was a hard working man, and was the best provider, hope I pass the test
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Old 1 September 2009, 08:27 PM   #12
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You could always sell yourself on Ebay....people've done it for a decent coin.

I guess it's all relative how bad you want something But my whole thing is, you need to first learn to appreciate what you have.
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Old 3 September 2009, 04:26 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by idk01 View Post
X2K :-)

I was studying, working at my Dads service station after hours, working at a panel repair shop on weekends, tutoring any chance I could get (easy money) before that I worked at my Dads service station again after school and on weekends, purchased my first car at the age of 16, couldn't drive it till I was 18 (Cough Cough!) there has been times where I have been riding by the seat of my pants, close to the edge, but I've always working and gotten what I wanted :-)

I'm cracking up here reading this back to myself now did I leave out the part of walking to school, in 10 foot of snow and opening tins of sweets with our teeth, and sharing my pajamas with the rest of the family at the same time My Dad was a hard working man, and was the best provider, hope I pass the test
Yeah, Dave, but we are from a generation/upbringing where we worked for what we got.

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Old 3 September 2009, 10:03 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by sexner View Post
Yeah, Dave, but we are from a generation/upbringing where we worked for what we got.

Too true

I just cant get over this generation (around the 14-18 YO's) must have the cellphone and run up a monthly bill of $200, have the game consoles and they are not cheap with all the latest games and they average 50-100 buck a pop, (I won't get into the latest fashions) and expect a car when its drivers license time, and I'm not talking about an old clunker, they want a BMW that less than two years old

Just to add insult to injury, when they get a job, how dare the parents ask for keep/board for paying for all the gadgets, lifestyle, clothes, food, gas and god knows what

What a generation of freeloaders! Not one of my friends growing up was classed as a freeloader, we all had jobs after school and after college and pay our way, the last thing on our minds would have been how to get an expensive watch, priorities must have been so different :-)

How did that turn into a rant
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Old 1 September 2009, 12:29 PM   #15
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Having little to no money for 33 out of my 37 years of my life, I can relate.

All I can say is keep working hard and eventually your hard work will pay off.
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Old 1 September 2009, 05:05 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by onkyo View Post
Having little to no money for 33 out of my 37 years of my life, I can relate.
Yeah, I went bust in the market at 4 years old and have been broke ever since, too.

As to the poster, what makes you think after you have the $500 watch you won't want to get another, even more expensive watch? Check out this forum, we're everywhere! Get a job! I bought my first Rollie with my first bonus check, after I had a <DEE DEE DEE> job! I see only 1 solution.
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Old 1 September 2009, 12:38 PM   #17
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Get a part time job as others have stated.
Heck, at one time (a few years back) I was going to college FULL time, and working two part time jobs (working at the local supermarket 30 hours per week, plus running my own landscaping business 3-4 days per week).
If you REALLY want something bad enough in life, you will MAKE it happen.
Just my two cents.
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Old 1 September 2009, 01:52 PM   #18
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Write a letter to everyone in California, and ask for a one dollar donation. You will have millions of dollars comming in your mailbox everyday, then you can buy your $500 watch.

Just kidding, but yeah, get a part time job and that will pay for it in no time!
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Old 1 September 2009, 05:33 PM   #19
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[QUOTE=NavitimerNut;1339515]Write a letter to everyone in California, and ask for a one dollar donation. You will have millions of dollars comming in your mailbox everyday, then you can buy your $500 watch.

Hummmmm.......that is a great IDEA......going to start writting letter tonite...............:rofl :
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Old 1 September 2009, 06:55 PM   #20
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Im wondering if your parents are helping you with your fees for college? If they do they are entitled to have a sense of outrage.
Yes, they are supporting me with college. They really don't want me to have a job cause they believe it'll distract me from school..... I don't know how some of you guys have a business to run while being a full time student/part time job. For me I have clubs and projects and other things I enjoy doing with my free time. I also use some time for social life(you know girls). Well I talk to my parents about it and I guess I'll just have to wait till i graduate. just three more years!! :(
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Old 1 September 2009, 07:06 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by refreshe123d View Post
Yes, they are supporting me with college. They really don't want me to have a job cause they believe it'll distract me from school..... I don't know how some of you guys have a business to run while being a full time student/part time job. For me I have clubs and projects and other things I enjoy doing with my free time. I also use some time for social life(you know girls). Well I talk to my parents about it and I guess I'll just have to wait till i graduate. just three more years!! :(
Where do you go to school? Get a part time job if you can...clubbing/drinking/traveling/dining with girls gets expensive as sin.

And out of curiosity, what are the projects?
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Old 2 September 2009, 03:16 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by refreshe123d View Post
Yes, they are supporting me with college. They really don't want me to have a job cause they believe it'll distract me from school..... I don't know how some of you guys have a business to run while being a full time student/part time job. For me I have clubs and projects and other things I enjoy doing with my free time. I also use some time for social life(you know girls). Well I talk to my parents about it and I guess I'll just have to wait till i graduate. just three more years!! :(
what grades are byou getting at school? maybe you can suggest to your parents to let you to get a part time job for a semester and see if it will affect your schooling.

it maybe a smart idea to find a part time job within the area of your study or your intended area of study/speciality
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Old 1 September 2009, 09:05 PM   #23
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The "key" to a solution here is how bad do you want it. I know that when a person(me included)wants something they always find a way to get it. So I'm sure you can work out the logistics to earn the money for your watch!!!

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Old 2 September 2009, 04:48 PM   #24
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I doubt that a job will distract from grades, my grades improved when I had a job. I think the main reason was because I needed to budget my time very wisely to get everything done in a week. I still never missed a party, I just never stayed but a couple hours. That also cut down on hangovers.
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Old 3 September 2009, 12:01 AM   #25
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Here is another idea.
Don't buy the 500 dollars watch. You don't need it.
Work hard at school and get good grades a good job.

Then reward yourself with a 2000 dollars watch.
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