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Old 27 August 2014, 12:52 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Headshrinker View Post
Dr. Tom, I agree with you 100%. After reading all the posts, I did come off sounding like someone I am not.
I will make no more comments about this misadventure.

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Old 27 August 2014, 04:47 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by cop414 View Post
I would have just asked permission to take the pic...
Originally Posted by GB-man View Post
Rolex uses rare elves to polish the platinum. They have a union deal and make like $90 per hour and get time and half on weekends.
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Old 27 August 2014, 10:50 AM   #63
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I would have said F off and turned around and jumped into my 911 and sailed off.
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Old 27 August 2014, 11:31 AM   #64
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He should have been respectful to you as a human being. Pretty sure any human should get that respect whether they are a doctor or not.
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Old 27 August 2014, 11:48 AM   #65
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Dr. Headshrinker,

How does reading this thread make you feel? Sorry, but I had to ask ;)
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Old 27 August 2014, 12:00 PM   #66
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What does being a doctor have to do with it?
All jobs are important.
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Old 27 August 2014, 12:06 PM   #67
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I feel the need to vent...

Don't take this the wrong way, but I care less if you are a doctor, or a lawyer or whatever profession. My wife and I tend to run in a rather affluent crowd (like most on here probably do) and the doctor that happens to be in the room at our gatherings is usually not the highest paid, but does tend to buy the most flashy stuff. (Just and observation) None of us ever question who makes how much $ or ever compare paychecks. We are all more than comfortable and our families have far more than they will ever need, and we leave it at that. What is important is that from the stay at home dad to the factory worker to the financial planner to the lawyers/doctors and business owners and large company execs we all treat each other with respect and dignity. I think that he demonstrated a lack of respect by beginning a conversation on those terms. I don't know how you verbally responded, but if it was like the post would lead someone to believe, that was a douche canoe move. I think that a owner of a classic car/high end import lot would be used to dudes in 911's taking pics but if I was going to touch his car or better yet set my metal object on it I would have asked for permission.
With all due respect Dr.

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Old 27 August 2014, 12:14 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by johnbeth View Post
Since you are an intelligent human being, you should have asked for the owners permission and this would have avoided any conflict.

How would you like it if someone was taking a photo of your wrist just to show others on a watch forum? Or taking a picture of your house etc? We need to respect people's property and wishes.

If the car was in a car show, then I would expect all would be ok with taking a photo. Since it was a private property, I feel that the owner is justified by asking you not to take a photo.

I totally agree. I've been a photographer and journalist for decades, and with the exception of public servants/law enforcement/etc. who may be engaging in lawless behavior it is basic decency and respect to ask permission before shooting a picture.
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Old 27 August 2014, 12:29 PM   #69
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No need to hit you on some of your statements as other members have done plenty already. Based on your side of the story, I don't think you over reacted. Yea, maybe you were a little in the wrong with the picture thing but c'mon, that guy sounded like a complete ass. I probably would have done like you, said sorry first, and if he kept whining I would have said do something or get over it... I am not a man of elite education, breeding etc...and sometimes, unfortunately, "the ghettoness comes out" It's sad but I just cant help it sometimes.
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Old 27 August 2014, 12:45 PM   #70
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I think you're fine...the guy was a jerk. Any nice car I've ever owned when I see another car fanatic checking it up, I'll go right up to them, unlock the car, and let them sit in/take pics, whatever. Most of the time they are in awe that it's happening and I truly get joy from that.

As for your painting the picture, I get it. I see why others may have seen it differently, but I've been there. We do it when we feel embarrassed. Last time I tried to return the wrong shampoo my wife bought, the store assoc. manager literally tried to weigh it cause she felt that I used some (I did not). It felt extremely humiliating and I felt like I was treated like a thief over $10 (well, really $2 if she was trying to figure out the weight difference). It was a friday night after dinner date with the wife, nice clothes, nice watch, and luxury car outside. When I went home and wrote the complaint, I thought of painting that picture as well, but then realized how someone could read it the wrong way.
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Old 27 August 2014, 01:26 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by drsven View Post
Dr. Headshrinker,

How does reading this thread make you feel? Sorry, but I had to ask ;)
Originally Posted by landroverking View Post
What does being a doctor have to do with it?
All jobs are important.
Originally Posted by bdex75 View Post
Don't take this the wrong way, but I care less if you are a doctor, or a lawyer or whatever profession. My wife and I tend to run in a rather affluent crowd (like most on here probably do) and the doctor that happens to be in the room at our gatherings is usually not the highest paid, but does tend to buy the most flashy stuff. (Just and observation) None of us ever question who makes how much $ or ever compare paychecks. We are all more than comfortable and our families have far more than they will ever need, and we leave it at that. What is important is that from the stay at home dad to the factory worker to the financial planner to the lawyers/doctors and business owners and large company execs we all treat each other with respect and dignity. I think that he demonstrated a lack of respect by beginning a conversation on those terms. I don't know how you verbally responded, but if it was like the post would lead someone to believe, that was a douche canoe move. I think that a owner of a classic car/high end import lot would be used to dudes in 911's taking pics but if I was going to touch his car or better yet set my metal object on it I would have asked for permission.
With all due respect Dr.

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Ok I'm pretty sure he realizes he misspoke, so blah blah blah, time to move on boys
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Old 27 August 2014, 02:02 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by tkerrmd View Post
Ok I'm pretty sure he realizes he misspoke, so blah blah blah, time to move on boys
My comment was meant in good humor. Doctor - headshrinker - feelings.

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Old 27 August 2014, 03:48 PM   #73
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OK, so I've noticed this on a couple of threads. TRF members not really supporting other members, the water in the 116610LV thread comes to mind. We can do better, I'm certain of it. So here goes...

OP/doc: I completely understand you here. It sounds like you weren't dressed like a scumbag off the street who would besmirch a fine automobile in any way, you were merely taking photos - in a public place no less, and some uncouth Rolls-Royce owning philistine comes out and verbally assaults you. The demands for your phone and file deletion aren't just bizarre, they're surreal.

I probably would've done exactly the same in your situation. In fact, I'm convinced most of us would. This noise polluter is fortunate he hasn't yet run into the wrong person, one who takes off his nice jacket and knocks his block off. He who screams should only expect screaming in return, even if it's only the echo of his own voice. In fact, this is a societal quandary for those of us schooled in civility: maintain composure and attempt to instill calm only to be deemed weak and become a target; or, "speak in the language he understands" by responding in kind and attempting to usurp the required respect but sacrificing your decorum.

I doubt many of us would've handled it differently. If one feels compelled to provide constructive criticism, it would be that the doc ought to strive to be the stronger soul and deescalate the situation. Would that have been better? Probably. Difficult? Yes.

Finally, did the doc come off as slightly elitist in his posts? I guess so. On the other hand, it is the Rolex Forum not the Timex Forum. Whatever. He's a fellow member, and what I see are the words of a man who's defensive and insecure after an embarassing encounter. I see one who was upset and may be questioning himself (Do others see an equally primitive fool through the expensive armor? Was my hard work and achievement for naught?) His feelings and defensiveness in the meantime have subsided, but the critical comments against one of our own persist.

Come on TRF:
Less of this
More of this
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Old 27 August 2014, 04:03 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by Georg View Post
OK, so I've noticed this on a couple of threads. TRF members not really supporting other members, the water in the 116610LV thread comes to mind. We can do better, I'm certain of it. So here goes...

Finally, did the doc come off as slightly elitist in his posts? I guess so. On the other hand, it is the Rolex Forum not the Timex Forum. Whatever. He's a fellow member, and what I see are the words of a man who's defensive and insecure after an embarassing encounter. I see one who was upset and may be questioning himself (Do others see an equally primitive fool through the expensive armor? Was my hard work and achievement for naught?) His feelings and defensiveness in the meantime have subsided, but the critical comments against one of our own persist.

Come on TRF:
Less of this
More of this
Are you serious??? Supporting other members when they are total knob jockeys to other humans in this world especially when they think are above all due to their occupation or stature???

We have people here from all types of backgrounds and financial spectrums. You do not see them behave or treat others badly, just because they did not get their way.

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Old 27 August 2014, 04:13 PM   #75
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Why bother...
Platona with stickers off club.

Last edited by cmcm3; 27 August 2014 at 04:41 PM.. Reason: CBF
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Old 27 August 2014, 04:32 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by Georg View Post
Finally, did the doc come off as slightly elitist in his posts? I guess so. On the other hand, it is the Rolex Forum not the Timex Forum. Whatever. He's a fellow member, and what I see are the words of a man who's defensive and insecure after an embarassing encounter. I see one who was upset and may be questioning himself (Do others see an equally primitive fool through the expensive armor? Was my hard work and achievement for naught?) His feelings and defensiveness in the meantime have subsided, but the critical comments against one of our own persist.

Come on TRF:
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Lost me right there.
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Old 27 August 2014, 05:04 PM   #77
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Finished the popcorn, finished the beer, went home.
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Old 27 August 2014, 08:37 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by CDNWatchNut View Post
I think you should have erased the picture as the owner of the car requested. It doesn't matter how "intelligent, educated and well bred" you feel you are...erasing the photo would be the right thing to do in being respectful of someone's request not to photograph their property, regardless of it not being illegal to do so.
Yeah I'm calling bull on that.
The owner voided all respect as soon as he lost his shit and started the verbal abuse. Id wager that if he had approached the situation with a smile an amicable solution would have emerged.

You know the basic sort of human decency you're meant to learn in childhood!
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Old 27 August 2014, 09:41 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by Georg View Post
I doubt many of us would've handled it differently.
You are incorrect. "Many" of us have manners.

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... it is the Rolex Forum not the Timex Forum.
You obviously don't get the point either.
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Old 27 August 2014, 10:42 PM   #80
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Interesting that this is still going. There was a similar thread this summer about a guy - same op? Can't remember who had an issue taking pics at a public market. If memory serves one vendor got up in his grill for taking shots.
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Old 27 August 2014, 10:55 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by Georg View Post
Finally, did the doc come off as slightly elitist in his posts? I guess so. On the other hand, it is the Rolex Forum not the Timex Forum.
So having a Rolex (and other luxury goods) is an excuse for 'arrogant' behaviour?
Originally Posted by GB-man View Post
Rolex uses rare elves to polish the platinum. They have a union deal and make like $90 per hour and get time and half on weekends.
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Old 27 August 2014, 11:05 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by Headshrinker View Post
Dr. After reading all the posts, I did come off sounding like someone I am not.
I will make no more comments about this misadventure.

Smart. Time to move on.
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Old 27 August 2014, 11:39 PM   #83
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Breeding? Really? Did you show him your papers? Always show them your papers.
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Old 28 August 2014, 12:46 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by Headshrinker View Post
I don't know if it was his demeanor or my reaction to being yelled at after spending years of sacrifice to gain the respect I feel I have earned. (Or maybe I was mad, because I felt like punching him in the mouth.) Was I over-reacting?
Probably a bit of an over reaction. Do you get offended when you go to write a check at the store and they ask for an ID? You can't take it personally when the person making you feel offended doesn't even know you, much less know you well. Now, if this was a life long buddy or family member who would think you might use the pictures to commit some internet fraud or whatever then you should feel offended.
Some days it's just not worth chewing through the restraints.
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Old 28 August 2014, 01:21 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by Georg View Post
On the other hand, it is the Rolex Forum not the Timex Forum.
Good point! We need a Timex forum. I have at least a half dozen Timex watches that I'm very fond of.

Probably there are quite a few Timex owners on these boards.

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Old 28 August 2014, 02:30 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by Headshrinker View Post
...elude to my education and breeding.
It's allude, Dr.
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Old 28 August 2014, 02:55 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by Rootbeer View Post
It's allude, Dr.
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Old 28 August 2014, 04:35 AM   #88
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I have resolved my issue with the gentleman at the restoration shop. I ran into him last night at, of all places, my daughter's field hockey game (they actually know each other.)
I walked over to him and he began apologizing even before I said a word. He asked his daughter if he knew me, and apparently she told her father that he helps with their drills, and he has big icky leg muscles. The owner then told me that a rival shop sent several people to his shop, one evidently, to have work done on an old Jaguar, only to use pictures from his shop to show customers restoration work and paint work they allegedly did themselves.
I told the owner I was just taking a picture of my watch pointing toward the grille for my watch friends, "two classic beauties."
I told him that I felt embarrassed and felt like a scolded child. He smiled and said he probably would not have kept his cool as well as I managed. I said that I guess he didn't hear me tell him to "go f*** himself! he laughed again and said "no,"he was too upset about the pictures.
We both laughed and laughed, now I have an open invitation to tour his shop, and I invited him out to dinner on Saturday night.

Finally, I made a mistake typing elude instead of allude, get over it! It was a poor attempt to escalate the contempt you feel for me. I forgive you. Please forgive me for being human.
We speak of expensive watches, cars, and jewelry in many of our posts and I can see how many members thought that I was using these items, or my degree, to think I was better than the owner; my thinking was that he should have not treated "an obvious professional man" as an adult may speak to a child ( that is where my anger came from). THE END
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Old 28 August 2014, 04:41 AM   #89
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All is well that ends well, can we now see the pics or do I have to add more watches on the "Lady"?

Lady in this case of course the Spirit of Ecstacy.
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Old 28 August 2014, 04:42 AM   #90
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Thank you.

QUOTE=Georg;5213189]OK, so I've noticed this on a couple of threads. TRF members not really supporting other members, the water in the 116610LV thread comes to mind. We can do better, I'm certain of it. So here goes...

OP/doc: I completely understand you here. It sounds like you weren't dressed like a scumbag off the street who would besmirch a fine automobile in any way, you were merely taking photos - in a public place no less, and some uncouth Rolls-Royce owning philistine comes out and verbally assaults you. The demands for your phone and file deletion aren't just bizarre, they're surreal.

I probably would've done exactly the same in your situation. In fact, I'm convinced most of us would. This noise polluter is fortunate he hasn't yet run into the wrong person, one who takes off his nice jacket and knocks his block off. He who screams should only expect screaming in return, even if it's only the echo of his own voice. In fact, this is a societal quandary for those of us schooled in civility: maintain composure and attempt to instill calm only to be deemed weak and become a target; or, "speak in the language he understands" by responding in kind and attempting to usurp the required respect but sacrificing your decorum.

I doubt many of us would've handled it differently. If one feels compelled to provide constructive criticism, it would be that the doc ought to strive to be the stronger soul and deescalate the situation. Would that have been better? Probably. Difficult? Yes.

Finally, did the doc come off as slightly elitist in his posts? I guess so. On the other hand, it is the Rolex Forum not the Timex Forum. Whatever. He's a fellow member, and what I see are the words of a man who's defensive and insecure after an embarassing encounter. I see one who was upset and may be questioning himself (Do others see an equally primitive fool through the expensive armor? Was my hard work and achievement for naught?) His feelings and defensiveness in the meantime have subsided, but the critical comments against one of our own persist.

Come on TRF:
Less of this
More of this [/QUOTE]
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