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Old 6 January 2017, 02:53 AM   #1
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Newbie - about to buy a DJII

Hi all, new member here.

I'm about to pull the trigger on a DJII (116334 blue, batons, fluted bezel). I have however heard that later this year it is likely that the strap will change to a Jubilee bracelet with some minor changes to the face as well in line with the DJ41. Is this true and the general consensus on here? So effectively it would be a SS DJ41?

If it is true what are people's views on whether to wait or not. I know the obvious answer is do what I think but of course I can't try them both together and likely never will be able to.

My other watch is a Rolex GMT Master 2 so hopefully the DJII will nicely compliment this.

Welcome any thoughts from people.

Also considering the black and white faces but I think my preference is for the blue.

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Old 6 January 2017, 03:02 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Dibbledabble View Post
Hi all, new member here.

I'm about to pull the trigger on a DJII (116334 blue, batons, fluted bezel). I have however heard that later this year it is likely that the strap will change to a Jubilee bracelet with some minor changes to the face as well in line with the DJ41. Is this true and the general consensus on here? So effectively it would be a SS DJ41?

If it is true what are people's views on whether to wait or not. I know the obvious answer is do what I think but of course I can't try them both together and likely never will be able to.

My other watch is a Rolex GMT Master 2 so hopefully the DJII will nicely compliment this.

Welcome any thoughts from people.

Also considering the black and white faces but I think my preference is for the blue.

No one here will be able to give you a definitive answer despite what their chum at the local AD told them.

It is my opinion that Rolex will announce a SS DJ41 and my hope is that it will be offered with a jubilee bracelet. I'm on board to buy one if they do :)

Welcome btw!
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