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Old 18 September 2019, 05:43 AM   #31
goin camping
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Originally Posted by East Bay Rider View Post
Yes it is.
I have a pretty high pain tolerance. Following the surgery I was only in the hospital 3 days and rehab 3 more. Unfortunately when I got home I developed a DVT blood clot. I gritted and grunted my way through that for a week before finally getting it diagnosed and proving my family right.
That was the hardest part.
I never wore a back brace. They did show me one but I didn't purchase it. Since I work sitting down it didn't stay in position so I guessed it wouldn't help.
I'm 52 and overweight. I'm sure my core needs strengthening. I was doing PT until I fell out of the shower and tore my rotator cuff. That was in July. Still hurts but Dr gave me exercises to help with that.
It sounds like walking longer is needed. I usually walk the dog a few laps around the block every day. That equals about a mile.
I could add some laps and maybe even do it twice a day as time allows.
I find that when I start I'm walking pretty tall but by the time I end I'm hunched. Maybe the cane would help with that for a while as I gain strength?
Does walking help build core strength by itself?
I really do not know but I do know that walking helped my back and lower my pain levels.

Start out walking tall and end up bent and spent. Next day I'd add a few more steps.

Helps my yard is almost 3 acres so I can just stagger around the back yard with the curs and aim myself at the back door when I tire out.
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Old 18 September 2019, 06:49 AM   #32
Join Date: Oct 2017
Real Name: Janet
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First off, I’m sorry to hear about your predicament!!

I too have back issues and a spinal fusion. After surgery, the thing that worked wonders for me was PT in a warm water pool followed up by a prescribed exercise plan specifically within the warm water pool. I now go to “gentle yoga” @the YMCA. It is a modified class structured for those w/medical issues and/or an older clientele. I do Watsu on occasion w/medicinal therapeutic massages for myofascial release. Ask Primary Dr. if they are familiar w/ Aquatic Integration & Watsu. Your back will thank you!! Lastly, I use a prescribed TENS unit for muscle soreness. PM me if you wish...

I agree w/the others on increasing core body strength & walking when you can tolerate it.
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