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Old 21 April 2009, 10:13 AM   #31
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This is a seriously deep thread, and while I have no children, I do have loved ones. Pain is part of our human life in this imperfect system of things. Really, all we can do is prepare to the best of our ability with what is within our realm of control. A certain amount of worry is good as it motivates us to move into action where we can. However, if we spend too much time with our own thoughts, it robs us of precious time with loved ones, and God forbid if something happened, time we'll never get back. Statistically speaking, they're the ones who are going to have to deal with your passing. Enjoy your time with them and make it the best you can to the best of your ability. In the end, you put your chips in and played the game. That's the important part.
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Old 21 April 2009, 10:15 AM   #32
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most of the people on this Forum, and all of the people on this thread so far, are so bright, sharp, sensitive, and cool in that fashion, which makes all of you highly vulnerable to the vagaries of life's nasties because of your consciousness. but it's ok, in the end, just ordinary human beings trying to survive.

p.s. Joe, when you're gone, you're past tense, baby! not happy, sad or nada....but I know what you mean, just giving you a bit, monsieur tosserooo, of your own meds....
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Old 21 April 2009, 10:16 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Chozn1 View Post
This is a seriously deep thread, and while I have no children, I do have loved ones. Pain is part of our human life in this imperfect system of things. Really, all we can do is prepare to the best of our ability with what is within our realm of control. A certain amount of worry is good as it motivates us to move into action where we can. However, if we spend too much time with our own thoughts, it robs us of precious time with loved ones, and God forbid if something happened, time we'll never get back. Statistically speaking, they're the ones who are going to have to deal with your passing. Enjoy your time with them and make it the best you can to the best of your ability. In the end, you put your chips in and played the game. That's the important part.
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Old 21 April 2009, 10:18 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Chozn1 View Post
This is a seriously deep thread, and while I have no children, I do have loved ones. Pain is part of our human life in this imperfect system of things. Really, all we can do is prepare to the best of our ability with what is within our realm of control. A certain amount of worry is good as it motivates us to move into action where we can. However, if we spend too much time with our own thoughts, it robs us of precious time with loved ones, and God forbid if something happened, time we'll never get back. Statistically speaking, they're the ones who are going to have to deal with your passing. Enjoy your time with them and make it the best you can to the best of your ability. In the end, you put your chips in and played the game. That's the important part.
Excellent points. I especially like the "make it the best you can" part. I try to remind myself daily that the last thing I've said to ANY of my loved ones may very well BE the last thing I say to them, so I try never to make it negative words.
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Old 21 April 2009, 10:27 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by away36 View Post
Excellent points. I especially like the "make it the best you can" part. I try to remind myself daily that the last thing I've said to ANY of my loved ones may very well BE the last thing I say to them, so I try never to make it negative words.
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Old 21 April 2009, 10:27 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by away36 View Post
Excellent points. I especially like the "make it the best you can" part. I try to remind myself daily that the last thing I've said to ANY of my loved ones may very well BE the last thing I say to them, so I try never to make it negative words.
Nancy, Thanx for sharing your thoughts and Caroline said the same thing somewhere today. I need to remember to keep my words and thoughts positive when communicating with loved ones and friends because there is no guarantees about what will happen next in any of our lives!!!

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Old 21 April 2009, 01:14 PM   #37
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Ok, time to open up.
When my son was born, when I held him for the first time, I promised to be the best Dad I could and to always go the extra mile for him, determined not to be like my own parents. I grew claws that day. I became very protective over him. I'm protective by nature but also easy going and mellow. I had never felt like that before. I worried about SIDS until his first birthday and I would wake up and check on him often, just to make sure he was ok. My wife half joked that she never needed to worry about him because I did it for her. I always know where he is and who he is with. He has freedom but is still closely monitored.
Soon after he turned 5, I enrolled him into karate classes. He learned quickly and we would practice together every night before bed.

I know karate isnt for everyone but it really helps me to know that even if he is still smaller than most adults, he at least has some training to take care of himself or his friends if I'm ever not there to defend him. He's getting bigger and stronger all the time. We talk often about inner strength, quiet confidence, common weapons, peer pressure and the courage to stand up to your friends, even if it doesn't seem cool at the time. He knows he is forever expected to call for help at any time or any place if he's in uncomfortable circumstances or in trouble.
I understand completely what you're talking about. I realized that I cannot overprotect him when he's older so I'm trying to give him the ability and common sense to protect himself. Avoid trouble, be safe and live clean. Bad stuff is out there. No-one is safe.
I'm still afraid of guns, gangs and war. One on one I believe he'll be ok.
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Old 21 April 2009, 07:22 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by East Bay Rider View Post
Ok, time to open up.
When my son was born, when I held him for the first time, I promised to be the best Dad I could and to always go the extra mile for him, determined not to be like my own parents.
Judging from everything you post, seems to me like you're one heck of a good're an amazing dad!!
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Old 21 April 2009, 07:31 PM   #39
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There are some great posts here.

Thank you everybody!

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Old 21 April 2009, 09:47 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by East Bay Rider View Post
Ok, time to open up.
When my son was born, when I held him for the first time, I promised to be the best Dad I could and to always go the extra mile for him, determined not to be like my own parents. I grew claws that day. I became very protective over him. I'm protective by nature but also easy going and mellow. I had never felt like that before. I worried about SIDS until his first birthday and I would wake up and check on him often, just to make sure he was ok. My wife half joked that she never needed to worry about him because I did it for her. I always know where he is and who he is with. He has freedom but is still closely monitored.
Soon after he turned 5, I enrolled him into karate classes. He learned quickly and we would practice together every night before bed.

I know karate isnt for everyone but it really helps me to know that even if he is still smaller than most adults, he at least has some training to take care of himself or his friends if I'm ever not there to defend him. He's getting bigger and stronger all the time. We talk often about inner strength, quiet confidence, common weapons, peer pressure and the courage to stand up to your friends, even if it doesn't seem cool at the time. He knows he is forever expected to call for help at any time or any place if he's in uncomfortable circumstances or in trouble.
I understand completely what you're talking about. I realized that I cannot overprotect him when he's older so I'm trying to give him the ability and common sense to protect himself. Avoid trouble, be safe and live clean. Bad stuff is out there. No-one is safe.
I'm still afraid of guns, gangs and war. One on one I believe he'll be ok.
That's a great post.
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Old 21 April 2009, 11:40 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Jimbits76 View Post
Where do you get these wonderful links?????????????

Theres a Brit TRF GTG in waiting if ever I seen one!

well they are playing the Brighton Festival (they do every year) let me know
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Old 21 April 2009, 11:48 PM   #42
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Let's get a few others involved too.

I reckon Stu would be up for it!

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Old 21 April 2009, 11:57 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Jimbits76 View Post
Let's get a few others involved too.

I reckon Stu would be up for it!

dates 1st to 25th May 2009 during Brighton Festival so plenty of things to do
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Old 22 April 2009, 12:00 AM   #44
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My mother is home throughout May. I'll have to pass. Spending enough time with that camp drama queen as it is.

At least you know where I get it from!

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