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Old 13 June 2006, 02:34 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Manatee View Post
BTW, I did some searching on the web, and found a couple of places that will do LASIK for $295 per eye -- about 1/10 of what I paid. I know some of you are always looking for the best deal, so if anyone's interested, there are great deals to be had. ;-)
While I'm sure we all appreciate you looking out for those of us looking for a deal, the reality is (at least in Canada) that price has ZERO to do with the quality of the operation.

When I got mine done, I paid just a tick under CDN$1,000 all in. However, the doctor doing the op had more than 40,000 operations under his belt, and was acclaimed as one of the top three opthamologists in the country. In fact, the majority of their clients were Americans not looking for a better deal than what they could find in the USA.

No, they came because LASIK is far better regulated in Canada than in the USA. So patients know the doctors are top notch and the equipment they use is top notch, unlike many places in the states.

This is NOT a case of 'you get what you pay for' cuz really.... I can see better than you can, five years after the fact.
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Old 13 June 2006, 02:54 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Manatee View Post
The results were excellent. One eye is a bit sharper than the other, but it'll be a couple of months before I'll know where they've really settled. As of Day 1, my vision was 20/25. I think the right eye is better than 20/20, but the left eye drags down the average.

I haven't had any trouble with dry eyes or night vision -- the most likely problems soon after surgery. I'm extremely happy with the way it's worked out for me. Sure beats spending the money on a wristwatch -- especially since I already have one.

BTW, I did some searching on the web, and found a couple of places that will do LASIK for $295 per eye -- about 1/10 of what I paid. I know some of you are always looking for the best deal, so if anyone's interested, there are great deals to be had. ;-)
That's great to hear, Peter I'm glad all went well
Me? I'm still looking for Kokomo. I just hope that damn golfer isn't there
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