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Old 17 February 2009, 08:31 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
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Icon20 Any Gemstone Experts on TRF?

Hello all, I am curious if any fellow TRF'rs have any knowledge on natural gemstones, rare gemstones in fact. My mom has had an Alexanderite ring for years that she will periodically wear, but lately it has been a motivator for her with the economy slumping so bad here in the states.

The stone its self was a gift from her father in law in the mid 60's, it had been in his family for many years before giving it to my mom. It does have a very interesting history as to how it finally made it to the states.

The Alexanderite is between 8- 10 carats, it demonstrates the physical color changes associated with natural Alexanderites upon introduction to different light sources.

My question as well as my moms is aside from dealers and collectors is there a market for these stones? My mom had it appraised in the 80's and was pleasently surprised with its value which is what has lead her to inquiring further about demand as well as value of a stone of this size.

Figured i would pick the TRF brains, since i purchased my Submariner with the help and information i gathered from the forum, i was hoping that there would be some Alexanderite or rare stone afficianados on here.

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