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Old 27 October 2019, 07:23 AM   #11
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by Cryten View Post
I'm not so much casting doubt on safety, as arguing the risk/benefit ratio, which for me is the risk of injecting these substances into my body vs the unproven benefit. Ask me again in 20-30 years and you may find me lining up for a jab, but for now any possible benefit ("probably" around 1% as per the study you cite) is outweighed by the risks.

The egg and wheat protein issue will likely never be proven as any proper scientific trial would fail the ethical test long before it got off the ground, so you're right on that one. However there is enough circumstantial evidence to suggest a link so once again there's a risk/benefit equation for people to weigh for themselves.
for highlighting some common ground despite our differing views.

The reasoning you’ve provided for your own decision makes sense. So I feel churlish pointing out that whilst you’re correct that no gold standard randomised controlled trials exist to test theories about vaccines causing allergies, there is probably more than enough data out there that if a causal link did exist it would be picked up by cohort and observational studies. I’ll stop flogging the equine corpse now.

Another point, not really directed at you, more for the thread in general: taking (for arguments sake) the 1% figure for the reduction in incidence of ‘flu in the vaccinated, that clearly implies that the chances of a single healthy individual deriving any benefit from the vaccine is slim. On a population level though 1% is nevertheless hugely significant - 10000 fewer cases of ‘flu per million infected in any given season reduces the burden on health services and increases economic output through reducing time taken off work due to sickness, without mentioning the reduced exposure of the virus to people in at-risk groups e.g. the very elderly, very young and chronically ill.
“Never argue with idiots. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." - Mark Twain
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