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Old 27 December 2019, 07:45 PM   #1
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Blue Camo Vs. Platinum ROO

My buddy's getting a bug for a ROO and I've yet to dip my toe into the waters of AP but am also warming to the idea.

The blue camo may have more blue than I might care for so the black bezel tones it down, it's platinum and the added heft would be a plus so...

What I was wondering from the grizzled vets of AP ownership:

Given the secondary market pricing on the blue camo at high 30s, would it make sense to spend the extra ~30% and getting the platinum reference? Are there downsides to be considered? Appreciate any and all input.

Disclaimer: I realize it comes down to personal preference, getting the watch you like the most/sings to you, it's your money, I need to try it on, strangers on the internet are evil etc.

I am simply hoping to hear my fellow wis' take on this.
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