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Old 27 May 2022, 07:27 AM   #28
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Feb 2019
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Posts: 462
Originally Posted by Stevec14 View Post
I think your earlier post is probably right - the answer is somewhere in between, although looking at some of Oisins responses on IG I’m not sure I fully get some of it and he’s done himself no favours. Irrespective of that, I suspect Oisin is finished. The watch industry works a lot on trust, and when that goes it’s hard work rightly or wrongly.

I am still trying to work out why someone would send a YouTuber a watch, but hey ho……
Somewhere in between sounds right to me. I don't see any scammers or criminals here, just a bunch of asshats behaving badly but maybe not unexpectedly. When I buy a watch I send the money ASAP because until the watch is paid for, I haven't bought anything, all I've done is talk. Stringing someone along for weeks or months is BS. Also, keeping the money for watches you don't have is BS. Sold the watches? Send the money back. Shady dealers play both of these games all the time, slow payment, selling watches they don't have, it's all bs. Think they're all getting what they deserve. I'll be happy when all the watch flippers and pseudo dealers find real jobs.

As for the unreturned watches, well, that sucks too for everyone. Everyone thinks they're doing the other guy a favor for free and everyone comes out pissed off.

What's right is right, if you have someone's property or money and they ask for it returned you should damn well return it, but I have no sympathy for any of the people involved in all this since everyone was trying to get a deal, everyone was trying to make money off someone else and it all blew up. Amateur hour.
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