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Old 14 July 2009, 03:17 AM   #1
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Witty retort

Have you ever made a witty retort that you were ultra proud of, one that makes you snigger every time you think about it. Here's one I made that still makes me laugh, I may have told this before but it would have been years ago so here we go again.

When my wife first came out to Saudi to join me, we had only been married seven months. We lived on the third floor of an apartment block, we had a kitchen, living room, dining room and one bedroom. In the kitchen we had a small refrigerator which had one of those small freezer compartments with a flap. It was just big enough to get a box of frozen hamburgers in and a small tray of ice. Fortunately we lived about five minutes walk from the centre of town so each evening we would go shopping for the following days meal.

Now it was a year and a day since we had been married, September 2nd 1974. We had managed to get some bacon (illegal in Saudi) from a contact I had and Brenda had made a quiche. She put it in the oven and off we went to town to do our shopping. She assured me it had forty minutes cooking time so it would be ready by the time we got back. Well forty minutes later we got back to the apartment to be greeted by plumes of smoke coming from the kitchen. When we checked the oven, Brenda had put the grill on by mistake and the quiche was cinders. She was all upset and in an effort to make her feel better I just said, "Bloody typical, the guarantee ran out yesterday and look what's happened." We both laughed out loud and still do whenever we mention it.
A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure.........Segal's Law

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