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Old 16 August 2009, 06:39 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2008
Real Name: Paul
Location: San Diego
Watch: 126619LB
Posts: 21,540
"Yeah, well my $10.99 Timex..... "

We had a discussion about this last year, but I'm thinking some more opinions now would be good. I have to say that I'm stealing Nikos (GreekBum) post from the "In House Movement" thread, (we Helenics need to stick together right Nikos ), hopefully you won't mind.

Nikos was minding his own business when a stranger came up and asked if his watch was a Rolex, and invaribly the next question, was it real. When Nikos responde affirmative to both questions, the guy holds up a Timex he got from Walmart and exhaults the virtues of how his $10.99 Times is such a better watch then Nikos Rolex.

Let me state most strongly, this is NOT a thread to, nor do I EVER, make fun of or look down at a person that chooses to purchase and use a 10 dollar watch. I respect everyone's decision. If someone is proud of their Timex/Casio/Rado (yeah, I threw that last one in for JJ ), and it meets their needs, I support and respect their decision 100%. I ALWAYS compliment someone on their watch, even if it is the ugliest thing I've ever seen, we are all entitled to our own likes and dislikes.

This is not about money either. We all spend what our budgets allow on timepieces; (except in my case, when I go way overboard my budget for a Rolex... but that's a whole other story). And I sincerely respect someone that purchases a timex/casio etc. because that is all they can afford.

What happened to Nikos and what simply INFURIATES me is the Beepety Beep that chastises one of us for making the choice of spending a great deal of money on a fine timepiece when it won't keep as accurate time as a 10 dollar quartz. I respect that person for making the choice to only spend that much on a watch, and compliment him on it, and am glad it meets his needs, WHY do they feel the need to belittle someone that made a totally different decision?

I guess another question I have is: How do you respond? I know what I would have LIKED to do to that moron, a swift head-but delivered concurrently with a kick in the oranges, but Nikos handled it a lot more mature then I would have and simply laughed. Good job Nikos!

Anyway, I'll stop ranting... but I just don't understand, I never make fun of someone that has chosen to purchase and wear an inexpensive watch, why do so many of them feel they must chastize us for making our choices? And how do you react to those Moro- er... people?
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