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Old 29 September 2009, 03:49 AM   #11
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by Timber Loftis View Post
Let's recall that allegations are just allegations.

I'm reminded of that guy who was put to death in Texas for arson that killed his kids. After he was killed, arson experts examining the evidence said it was probably NOT arson. Additionally, during the tragedy, he set his head on fire trying to get in and save the children. But by the time the MSM had it for a couple of days he was suddenly labeled as making no attempt to save them at all.

So, even if this guy did steal the watch, we don't know what efforts he made to save the lieutenant. For all we know he could have tried his hardest to get the man's heart going again.

Heck for all we know, the woman who all-too-conveniently led the police to the watch could have been in on the theft.
Even if the person who ratted the Dr. out was in on it, it's pretty much hearsay. Unless the Doc has a taped confession with the person he was supposedly in on it with, he's gonna take the fall hard by himself. They have video evidence of the doctor in the act of stealing the watch and throwing it. The DA probably will pull up the Doctor's financial records, and prove he was in financial distress. He wanted a Rolex extremely badly and it wasn't financial viable for him. Moral is, pay your med school loans first, then buy Rolex. Don't steal Rolex from dead patient.
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