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Old 5 June 2007, 11:43 AM   #37
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Reno, NV
Posts: 355
Originally Posted by leopardprey View Post
I think what he is trying to ask is if in America (or NZ) can a regular Clerk afford a Rolex. In China only the very rich bussiness men can afford.

The answer is Yes. Many Clerks, soldeirs, police, factory workers, etc... Can afford a Rolex if they want one. Just may have to save up a little longer. Many single enlisted soldiers buy a Rolex, cause if they are serving overseas for a year, it only amounts to 1 months pay. Used to be in the old days when I was in the military, the unit I was in, Soldiers would get a cash bonus for re-enlistment or get extra cash from being oversease on a 6 month deployment and when back to the USA or after their bonus would buy a Rolex Sub/GMT and a Harley.
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Let me guess, you bought a Harley?

When I was growing up in Hong Kong during the 1960's, it seemed everybody was wearing a Rolex. People with different social status wore different model (e.g. a rich banker might wear a solid gold President, while a waiter in a restaurant might wear a SS Precision). At that time, Rolex must be the MOST common watch around (in Hong Kong).

Then when I returned to Hong Kong earlier this year after an absence of almost 40 years, I noticed not many people had a Rolex. The fad must be blown over then. Instead, everyone seemed to be talking on the cell phone and playing games on his/her Blackberry or whatever you called those gadgets.

I still believe that working class people in China can buy a low end Rolex but it may take them longer to save up the dough, as the price there is not any cheaper.
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