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Old 12 May 2012, 10:02 PM   #1
Monte Cristo
"TRF" Member
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Icon10 Is TRF a cult?

So what is it about this forum? Is it a cult or have I fallen for some Jedi mind trick or something ?

OK, so I have a Rolex on its way (incoming thread to follow shortly) and I'm sitting here thinking, how much does this community called TRF and it's members opinions actually influence the way that you view, research and buy Rolex (and other brand) watches that we like, want....dare I say need?

Personally, up until a few months ago, as a rule I would never have purchased a Rolex online or without having physically inspected it or from a non AD/store, or from an individual i didnt know, etc...I have spent much time on TRF reading posts, sending PMs, asking opinions and advice, etc and now find myself in this unfamilar position, where I have broken ALL the above rules and feel OK with it.

I must have fallen for something, because I originally signed up to learn more about my forgotten 16610 and have now spent thousands of $$ on a Rolex 1...didn't think I would give it up that easily did you?
'I am easily satisfied with the very best' - Winston Churchill
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