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Old 20 August 2012, 11:34 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by AzPaul View Post
Unfortunately, the closer to ASU you are, the more likely you are to see such Sun Devilish behavior.
at my fair Pac-12 institution, we usually assume all rolexes on campus are real, because we're legit like that.

nah, just kidding. but onto the heart of the matter...i saw this thread earlier in its early stages and kind of laughed. seemed like the consensus 3 pages ago was to just let it go, let them think what they want, etc.

seems as if this kind of occurrence happens to many people and some people feel the need to protect the honor of their wrists. some more passionately than others

but the end of the day, do you really care if some jackass who's an acquaintance of someone you don't really even like thinks it's fake? Do you need to prove to someone your watch is real because having a fake watch means that perhaps you either:

1. Haven't "made it" enough to wear a real Rolex.
2. Are too proud to wear something fake?
3. Perhaps place/project your own worth on material things that you can show off to other people to feel that you're better than them?

At the end of the day, it is a watch. It should be special to you because it means something to you personally. Whether the brand is Seiko, Omega, AP, Rolex or Folex or Romex. Who cares. If it's a piece of you, it shouldn't matter. You love it and you're passionate about your watch for your own reason.

and about being a "tough guy" at a bar to prove your point, think about how much resale value dips from that ding on your case from making contact on someone's chin. if you really want to get them, you back hand-slap the mother and leave a fluted bezel print across his cheek to show everyone who the b*tch is now.

totally kidding about the last paragraph. But I do subscribe to my reason #4 as to why i tell people my watch is legit. (again, just kidding)
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