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Old 26 November 2007, 05:01 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: South East USA
Posts: 671
My GMTIIc has arrived!

I have been researching this particular timepiece for several weeks. Getting various opinions, closely examining pics, and finally had the chance to fit one to my wrist a couple weeks ago at the local AD. I had really wanted to find one in-stock somewhere, but struck out all across Atlanta. So I walked into Mayor's on Friday, and the nice salesperson said that if I paid today, she would get me one tomorrow. I agreed,...and to my surprise, I got a call from my AD the following afternoon saying the watch was ready for pickup!

In my eyes, this is absolutely the best ROLEX timepiece currently produced, and I believe that all future sport models will follow this same trend, and get ready!!!

All the elements that concerned others, feel perfect to me.

1) The Maxi Dial (can't get used to my old Sub anymore...I am hooked on the Maxi)

2) Bling on the braclet: I had a taste for this on my DJ Oyster, and it adds some subtle bling without drastically changing the character of the watch. I am sure with some grease, dirt, and grime, it will basically look brushed anyways.

3) Larger case: This is my FAVORITE component of the watch. It gives it the larger SD feel, with more mass, and a sturdier feel. It's a subtle size increase, but noticable on your wrist.

4) Ceramic Bezel with Larger Numbers: Another very subtle addition of bling, without being at all distracting. And I actually LIKE the larger numbers, as it makes it easier to use the 24hr hand

5) Bracklet too narrow for case: After wearing it for a day, the thought hasnt even crossed my mind.

6) AR on the cyclops: Guys this may convert the anti-cyclops people over to the right side. There is absolutely no reflection, and it is super easy to read the date, even from funny angles.

I think the problem with change in Rolex, is that many ROLEX owners are resistant to it. So we sit there and STUDY the crap out of each watch, and find or invent things we don't like about them.

But in MY eyes....I wouldnt change a thing with this timepiece!

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