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Old 12 January 2008, 03:38 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Gulf Coast, USA
Posts: 288
Suggestions on finding new Black Bezel 16710

Hello everyone,

I wanted my first post on the forum to include pics of a new watch but I have run into a road block. I have been trying to purchase a new Black Bezel GMT Master II (16710) but none of the ADs I have contacted have a black bezel watch (I have spoke with 6 ADs along the Gulf coast- LA, MS, FL). I have asked them all if they would change out the bezel and they have all told me they cannot change the bezel per ROLEX. Yesterday, by chance I called an AD in NW FL and he had a black/maroon bezel that he offered to me at an 11% discount which seems to be a pretty good deal. I asked if he would replace the bezel with a black one if I purchased and paid for everything involved. He said 6 months ago he could have done that but Rolex will not let him do that now. He suggested purchasing the watch if I want to, wait a few months, and send it to Rolex to have the bezel changed. I thought well that might be the answer. I called the RSC in Dallas a little while ago and they told me that they could not change the bezel, it started out as a black/maroon gmt II and would have to stay that way. She said there would be a remote chance that when the watch came up for service (5 -7 yrs) and I asked for a bezel change then they may possibly consider my request.

Do any of you guys have a suggestion? Any AD suggestions? (that may discount if possible) I just really like that black classic look.

Sorry for the small novel. I have truly enjoyed reading on this forum and I must say this forum has a great group of people. I have only been on another forum with people of this caliber. It was a stock forum that I made some money on. This one, I think with cost me a lot of money but bring probably more joy! I have officially caught the ROLEX bug! Thank you everyone!
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