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Old 26 December 2016, 06:19 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: United States
Posts: 1,864
Another Rolex Tale from the Vault of Human Nature

First and foremost, a Merry Christmas (or in the PC universe, 'Holiday Greetings' to all). A young, newly engaged couple joined our family for Christmas brunch and believe it or not, the subject of Rolexes somehow managed to enter into the discussion/picture. As per the wife-to-be, she would like her future husband to wear a wedding band while he is adamantly against it (as some men prefer not to wear rings of any kind). He argued that a wedding band is nothing more than a 'brand' to ensure that other curious (or interested) women are totally aware of his marital status. She on the other hand, defended the wedding band as a timeless symbol of their enduring love and commitment (how idealistic). While a mutual agreement has yet to be established, he has proposed that she buy him a new Rolex in lieu of a traditional wedding band (nothing overtly fancy, maybe something along the lines of an Airking or SS Datejust with an inscription of her devotion). The wife-to-be countered that Rolexes are oftentimes 'bimbo magnets' and that she would have nothing to do with this suggestion.

Curious. Is she being a bit too insecure and is this male wedding band mandate somewhat unreasonable? Personally, I do not wear a wedding band and as long as I come home at night, no problems have ever arisen. On the other hand, the groom-to-be was a notorious 'player' in his unattached days and I can sort of see her point. Wedding bands can be easily removed but they can also be easily lost or misplaced and in some instances (such as my own), they can pose an injury threat/possibility based upon one's occupation.

Not sure how this one is going to play out. The wedding is scheduled for the upcoming spring and the jeweler where they are buying her wedding ring also happens to be an AD.

Incidentally, the guy who plays 1st base on our rec-league softball team had a similar/related experience. His fiancé bought him a TT Datejust as an engagement gift and when the wedding plans fell apart, he kept the watch while she retained possession of the diamond engagement ring. As to who came out ahead, you be the judge.
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