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Old 1 March 2017, 09:48 PM   #1
nick h
Join Date: Dec 2011
Real Name: nick
Location: notts
Watch: rolex 16200/116231
Posts: 167
Mont Blanc - dreadful warranty service

my Mont Blanc Starwalker Red Gold resin pen

without warning or being dropped the red gold ring on the cap sheared off about 1mm from the cap end

it was a jagged break

i contacted Mont Blanc London and was told it had to be returned directly to Germany - they did not accept repairs/returns in the UK

went to Post Office and to send to Germany with insurance the cost was over £35

fortunately i had a quick look at another forum who said Mont Blanc products could be returned through any AD free of charge - why did Mont Blanc not tell me this?

so pen sent though local AD and received yesterday - repaired


i would have expected a note saying something along the lines 'we are sorry you experienced a problem with your Mont Blanc pen which has now been fully repaired - etc etc'

and to add insult to injury they refitted the same part used fineliner refill!

not being happy i just rang Mont Blanc UK

got through to a French sounding female of outstanding arrogance (the French 'do' arrogance like nobody else on earth)

when i asked why no note and why refitting old refill?

the reply


i just mentioned the small thing of customer service in the luxury goods market and goodwill?

no reply so i told her i would write this up on forum

i have also mailed Mont Blanc UK with my concerns

but i will never ever buy Mont Blanc again - i have two pens and a money clip

i'd sooner use a pencil than a Mont Blanc pen
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