4 December 2017, 06:01 AM
2024 Pledge Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Real Name: Seth
Location: nj
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Originally Posted by TheVTCGuy
You know, similar situation with me, but because I am single. I have good friends, hobbies, even though I work out if my house I meet a lot of people in my travels, but this year I noticed I wasn’t getting imvited to events, games, parties, barbecues,bowling, whatever. I call a friend out in it one time why I wasn’t invited to a cookout at his house a lot of mutual friends were, had I (unintentionally) offended him or his wife or some other reason? He was incredibly apologetic, and said that when he and his wife sat down to create the invitation list, I was overlooked not because I am bad company but because I was single. The list went something like: The millers (married couple) he Smiths (married couple) Bill and Lisa (Dating couple) John and Tim (Gay couple) etc. Because I do not have a significant other, my name was never brought up. I had heart to hearts with other friends and got the exact same response. It was not malicious nor representative of any desire not to have me at these events, but when inviting guests, the COUPLE was inviting COUPLES and I was overlooked. I pointed out, if they invited myself and single women, maybe I would end up with a significant other. They were all apologetic and promised it was just an overlook; it makes sense and I believe them. Anyway, to you middle age couples out there, remember your single friends when making plans, we are people too!
I have to go now... all of a sudden I’m depressed....
Paul. Please come over my house.
Let’s sit down and talk about everything from the holidays to the hover crafts.
If happiness is a state of mind, why look anywhere else for it?
IG: gsmotorclub
IG: thesawcollection
(Both mostly just car stuff)