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Old 1 January 2018, 01:30 AM   #1
GerardoG's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2005
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December 31....

A quiet, foggy morning in north east Mexico; quite an unusual setting for this city, which might see some flurries during the next day.

Everyone is asleep at home, tired from all celebrations, luncheons, visiting family and friends...Holidays are indeed exhausting! Today, we have decided to stay home for the first time in years. No running around, no trips, just stay at home. We found that my sister in law and her family are not going away as well so we will have them over for dinner. Later today, my favorite cook will do her magic which is letting me assist on preparations. Yes, that gorgeous cook -my daughter- will do her first ever lasagna with me by her side; nothing pre made, all fresh, so a fantastic dinner will be at our table as we kiss goodbye 2017.

Unlike previous years, where I wrote with wine or tequila in hand; coffee is my partner for the time being; and this quietness gives me time to reflect on many things while sharing with a bunch of friends I have met -and some whom I have not- at this amazing place called TRF.

As a balance, personally, 2017 has taught me a LOT of things and for all, the good and specially the bad, I am grateful; as the latter have made me a stronger man. My challenge as of today is, oddly, to forgive myself for past mistakes and things I can not change. 2017 has told me, face to face 'let those things go. You did your best, and there is nothing else you can do about it; next time, you will already have experience and knowledge'. It might be easy for a lot of you, but to me this has been a true revelation.

2018 is just around the corner. A few minutes away in some parts of the world and a few hours away from here. As I sit and share with you my morning, I have to say THANK YOU to all, and specially to TRF for being here. I have made unique friends in places thousands of miles away who not only share a hobby with me; but are there to talk, laugh, cry and share stories and a few is amazing how you can find true friends in other countries and little to none within your city; and for that, I am very grateful.

Today, my family is well. Everyone is healthy and happy. We all have had our ups and downs, but in the end, here we are, together. In the words if my daughter: Family ALWAYS first. Thank you, life, for such a beautiful family.

To all of you, my virtual family; thank you for the ups and downs, for the smiles and laughs, for the incredible moments we have shared virtually and many times with reunions in different cities. Thank you for being that: my virtual family.

I raise a cup of coffee to wish everyone a VERY HAPPY and EXCITING New Year! I look forward to many more great stories and moments, as well as meeting you during visits to your city. Later today, I will raise a glass of champagne on your behalf.

Feliz Año Nuevo!

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