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Old 16 February 2009, 07:04 AM   #27
Join Date: Dec 2008
Real Name: Chris
Location: Maryland
Watch: 116000, 16610
Posts: 155
Originally Posted by Zman86 View Post
I have three Fender Strats, A 1993 Mexican, a 1998 Mexican that looks exactly like the one you bought, and a 1998 SRV signature strat. The two mexicans blow the american made strat out of the water. Sure, I've played some crummy Mexican strats, but I've played alot of crummy american strats too. For the money you can pick one up for, they cant be beat.

I recently got my '75 Gibson Flying V back from the shop though, and I must say, the strats have been taking a little break lately....
I tend to go in cycles. Sometimes I will play my Les Paul for weeks without even picking up my ESP and then a switch will flip in my brain and all I'll play is the ESP for a few weeks without even thinking about the LP. I think a lot of it has to do with the style I feel like playing at the time. If I am in the mood to play metal and only metal the ESP with the EMG 81s can't be beat, but the cleans on it are horrid. The LP on the other hand is good for pretty much everything (including metal but it can't touch the ESP there). I still have the stock BB Pros on it. Every time I think about changing them out for either an EMG 81/85 set or Seymour Duncan's I just can't bring myself to do it because the BB Pros are so rich on cleans and still have enough crunch to deliver the distortion.
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