Originally Posted by Roger Lococco
Made 3 visits to ADs in the past week. Absolutely brutal.
1. Canada. Counted 73 DJs and 3 YM2s. No other watches on display. 5 SAs and 0 customers. Great service, as is always the case at this AD, even if they never have any watches that I want.
2. U.S. Well known AD chain the Southeast. 2 SAs eating take out Chinese food on the display case at the same time. Seemed slightly miffed that I actually chose to enter the store and interrupt their dinner. One of the SAs finally stood up to "greet" me reluctantly. Perhaps 12 DJs in the display. They said that was all they had in the store, nothing else. When I said my wife was interested in a YG DD (the green one), one SA (the one that stood up) got more energetic and said they might have one in their safe in the back.
3. U.S. See photo. I didn't even bother entering this store. A few SAs and a security guard.
Looks like they just closed the business entirely, and he is impatiently waiting for the landlord to come for ending the contact, then he will be locking the doors for the last time soon and leaving there for good :) It feels like thinking they better to turn of the lights and sit and the dark.