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Old 20 April 2009, 03:15 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2008
Real Name: Paul
Location: San Diego
Watch: 126619LB
Posts: 21,540
It's Sunday, I'm feeling philosophical...

So, to try and describe the topic... I'll start by saying maybe I should have posted a Poll, but I'm interested to know what percentage of people you meet and discuss Rolex with are... well, have respect for the watch and pride of ownership in their Rolex.

Obviously, I'm a WIS, and I like to discuss Rolex (and other fine watches) at every oppurtunity. When I meet somone, in a social setting, or in business circumstances, if they're wearing an interesting watch (especially a Rollie) I will bring it up and ask them how they like it, how long they've had it, anything else relevent. I ALWAYS compliment them on it, no matter what my true personal feelings are about the watch, and you will all have to take my word that this is done at an appropiate moment of a discussion, not making anyone uncomfortable in any way and not interupting any other topic we're discussing. You'll also have to take my word that I'm a sociable person, not intimidating, and inteli- intelagn- intealeagn- .... smart.

Let me also state, I am NOT talking about instances of approaching somone you do not know, and initiating a conversation about their Rolex, personally, I travel a lot and do this quite often. I was on a flight Friday, sat next to a guy and with a new-looking GMT-C, and complimented him on it. He proudly showed it to me and we had a nice discussion about Rolex. I enjoy those encounters but for the sake of this thread let's say this is somone you were introduced to in a social situation; a friend of a friend at a party for example. After the formal introductions were over and the casual conversation starts about the weather, local events etc. THIS is when you compliment them on their Rolex. I.e. a totally safe, comfortable and friendly environment. So they're not concerned I'll be robbing them and trying to divert attention from the watch. Just go with it that that is not a concern they could have in this scenerio....

I am shocked to say, that probably less then ONE THIRD of the people I have ever spoken to, show ANY respect, or PRIDE, in the fact they have a fine timepiece like a Rolex. I am not talking about bragging, or showing off, but you can tell when somone has a pride in something they own, whether it be a watch, car, or finger-painting from pre-school their 3 year old child did for them; a smile creeps in to the corners of their mouth, their eyes light up just a bit, and even if they don't discuss it much, you can just perceive they are proud of the item, and enjoy owning it. I think you can all relate to the encounter I just described, the person isn't a WIS, but they enjoy owning a fine timepiece.

I can't believe how often, in the circumstances I've described above, I get the most non-chalant of responses! Like: "Oh yeah, it's OK, but if I don't wear it for a couple days it stops" Or: "Huh? The watch?", yeah, my friend said I should get one like this"

Maybe I'm being sensative in my old age but it bothers me that someone has such a fine object as a Rolex (or any other fine watch) and has no RESPECT for the item. Not everyone is a WIS, but owning a fine item, you should have... well... respect and pride is the only way I can describe it. You can tell when someone does, even if they're not interested in discussing it, and there are very few people that take it to the level of passion myself and most TRFers have, but that little glimmer of pride of ownership is easily perceived when the topic is brought up, and I am shocked to see so many Rolex owners that do NOT have it.

Ok, like I said, it's Sunday, I'm being philosophical.... what the heck.

Cheers everyone!
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