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View Poll Results: What type of Rolex owner are you?
Investor, Buy because of the growth potential 46 11.47%
Aestheticist, Buy because of the watch appearance 190 47.38%
Technologist, But because the watches are technically excellent 118 29.43%
Collectaholic, Buy because your a collector who needs to be collecting the hottest products. 47 11.72%
Afficianodo, Buy because you want the best. 137 34.16%
Joiner, Buy because you like to own the hottest watches. 19 4.74%
Casual owner. Bought because Rolex is the best or because you were given a Rolex 60 14.96%
Sentimentalist, Buy because someone dear to you owned a Rolex. 39 9.73%
Heroist, Buy because you admire those famous Rolex owners. 22 5.49%
Other, Open to ideas not represented in the choices. 55 13.72%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 401. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 15 June 2021, 11:53 AM   #34
"TRF" Member
Join Date: May 2018
Location: USA
Posts: 537
Originally Posted by padi56 View Post
One who buys the Rolex watches or any other watch that myself wants to own and wear daily, without the need of any pampering, or timegraphers, phone timing apps or thinking of any perceived investment.
Have to say your attitude confuses me. On one hand (or, wrist) you complain about those only interested in Rolex for the status and money/investment value...which, in my opinion, is sadly the type of customer that Rolex seems to be after these days. You also complain about people interested in how well their watch keeps time. Granted, you may feel some take such measuring to the extreme bordering on obsessive, but isn’t this the spirit of ‘classic’ Rolex?: First wristwatch to be awarded the Swiss Certificate of Chronometric Precision (1910). First wristwatch to be awarded the “Class A” chronometer certificate from the Kew Observatory (1914). At the VERY least, isn’t this a better form of enthusiasm and interest than what the status seekers and speculators are doing to the hobby?

You also seem to be fairly dismissive of people interested in learning more about the watches in general- in that thread where someone asked about the differences between a regular sub and the original LV, you stated the only the difference was the bezel, and when it was pointed out that this was not correct, you deflected. What topics do you WANT people to talk about here that would excite you to share your knowledge of the brand and its history?

Circling back to the original question posed in the thread, I bought a Rolex because I wanted to “check a box” so to speak. Rolex didn’t reach the position it holds today by building low quality watches, so some of the hype is justified. I very much appreciate that my 116200 Datejust looks largely the same as the original model introduced over 70 years ago, and still think it’s the perfect casual watch that blends sport with dress. Very few brands seem to have figured out how to make minimal changes over time while keeping their designs current. Omega has done it with the Speedmaster, but that’s unfortunately the exception to the rule for them.
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