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Old 4 June 2009, 06:22 PM   #1
"TRF" Member
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Two naked statues, a man and a woman, had been standing looking at each
other in a park for a hundred years. One day, an angel came to visit them
and said since they had stood there so patiently through all the summers and
winters they would be rewarded by half an hour of human life to do whatever
they have wanted most.

The two statues came to life, looked at each other a bit shyly laughed a bit
and said, "Shall we?" and "Yes, let's do it!" They dashed for the bushes, from
which shortly was heard giggling, laughter and the shaking branches. After
a quarter hour, they came out from the bushes all hot, flustered and happy.

The angel said they had only used half their time and why didn't they start
all over again. The statues giggled a bit and the man statue said to the
woman statue: "Ok, let's do it again, only this time we'll do it the other
way around. YOU hold the pigeon down and I'LL shit on its' head."
Apprentice to Terry Newton; Superstar and Fake Sleuth

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