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Old 16 September 2010, 02:42 PM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Real Name: Brandon
Location: Sacramento
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Icon7 What does Rolex mean to you?

My Rolex experience comes with mixed feeling. Setting aside my personal issues with a recent purchase, I’ve had time to reflect on it. Even as I write this my mind is cascading like an avalanche with memories.
My initial memory of Rolex is inexorably tied to my Dad. When I think of Rolex I think, DAD, DAD, and DAD. Vice versa. I remember like yesterday (this was 1980) I was out on the tarmac in Okinawa readying myself for my first trip to America at a tender age of seven. There! I smell the jet fuel wafting in the air, along with the screech of tires of planes landing, rolling, or otherwise being docked. It was a clear blue day, as was “most” of the days in Okinawa. My Dad was kneeling on his right knee, with his left one up while having his left arm hanging over the knee like a limp rope. Much like what the football players do on the sidelines. There prominently displayed on his left arm was the Pepsi Rolex. I didn’t have the guts to look at my Dad at the time. I was silent as whatever he said didn’t register with me. My tears were as hot as the sun and as salty as the ocean. So the whole time I was looking down as I watched the movement of that Rolex go round & round, I noticed that his blond hairs were sticking above the watch. I also thought how small the watch looked on his wrist. My Dad had big bones. None of those traits transferred to me though. My Mom, won that battle of the genes. Anyhow, this was my first memory of Rolex. Fast forward to my Anniversary, and there was my wife beaming, smiling at the Grange Restaurant apologizing for this present taking so long. She is beautiful. I’m excited with anticipation as she presented me with a gift bag. I reached in to pull out a white box along with a card. I then pull out the box from the sleeve that the box was in and prominently displayed on this jade green box was five crowns. My heart stops. I know what it is but my body isn’t registering. I’m still as a glacier. My wife even commented “are you ok?”. I say yeah, and at that moment all those memories of “ my” last Rolex come flooding in. If it had been ANYONE else I would have said “get this away from me”. Cold, hard, indifferent. But the love of my life knows how much this means to me.
It’s a Rolex.

In life, we associate the things we get and use them as mental markers of our time in certain places as we get old. That place may be emotional, or physical. Those memories may be a wedding ring, a cup, or a rock from a beach.

Now, only one watch that could tie me to the past as well as the present both emotionally & physically. Rolex. Both my Dad & now my wife. This is what Rolex means to me.

I don’t think the sales people realize that when they represent Rolex, they are selling a memory, an experience, or an accomplishment. At THIS caliber of merchandise, it’s not JUST A WATCH and your SALESMANSHIP better be TOP NOTCH! So to just BLANTANTLY screw with people, bait and switch, lie, misrepresent merchandise, accuse MY WIFE of lying, threaten with lawsuits, not listen to customers concerns, and pretend that it was all a “misunderstanding” and otherwise waive your First Amendment rights to free speech. One MAGGOT of a company managed to stain my image of Rolex as well as my memory. Man this hurts even as I write this. You can’t believe the stress my wife has been under. I’m not sure another Rolex will bring me the same joy as I had. There’s something to be said about “you only get one chance to make a first impression”. So after this ordeal is over I have to think long and hard on Rolex. This has been a great website that brought me a LOT of valuable information on time. Kudos to this website. Also part of my Rolex memory now Sigh. I Love my wife & she only wanted to make me happy.
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