20 February 2012, 06:56 AM
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Apr 2006
Real Name: Paul
Location: Wales, UK
Posts: 14,578
Originally Posted by SubKing
yes its public info, but its my personal problem right now... PERSONAL... I posted here to get info and advise while this was going on, but kept most of the information personal for a reason.
forums can create ALOT of drama like they most of the time do and I don't want any of that drama until ebay has completed their investigation and i get my money back.
That is my decision so please all respect that. i have already stated after this mess is all over, i will be more than happy to post links and information about the buyer...
i don't want to run the risk of people sticking their nose into this until its complete. he got his refund now i'm waiting to get mine and dont want to make anymore waves in this storm.
please respect this, i'm still in the hole and have negative feedback.
this is the kind of guy the more pissed he gets the more he will try to come after me i feel like.
i did not post here for peoples approval, i posted this story here to get some advise and make sure I was doing this the right way. I now feel i have. once the investigation is complete I will update this thread with information.
Fair enough.