Originally Posted by cmr
thank you for the welcome! i went there to buy a white ss daytona but the sales lady told me they reserve them for their good customers. there were 2 rolex reps there and heard her say that and became very angry with her. i asked them why rolex had a problem producing them and they told me rolex ships ss daytona's to this country everyday. they said you will have to make friends with the jewelry store manager. i said i thought i just did when i bought this gmt. they had no response. a week later the sales lady called me at home to tell me they had a lv sub if i wanted it and i told her she already new what i wanted. she hasn't called since.
i love my new gmt but i have to admit i am some aggravated with my first experience with rolex.
Nice story, I think you should call that sales lady once in awhile and show her how serious you are about the Daytona. I wish a AD here would give me one at list. I have the GMTc and had the white Daytona..they really complement each other well.