Originally Posted by HogwldFLTR
Great job of setting up a genuine poll!! Division are along the lines I was considering last night so it must be good. There's no wrong answer here (perhaps except mine). I'm really a fan of the DJIIs so I likely align with Rolex's sales figures more than the forum does.
Absolutely you do. That fact that the DJ/DJII, easily the most popular model(s) in real world sales, is only carrying 5% of this poll speaks loudly about the nature of self-selecting "enthusiast", internet forum polls such as this where a very tiny group of ever-changing participants have the time or inclination to answer. The results are confined and work for the self-selected group at the moment it was taken amongst those answering but if one tries to extrapolate those results from this minuscule and unreliable sample into real world numbers/opinions it quickly becomes an exercise of "Garbage-in, garbage-out". At most, the only thing this poll is telling us is what kind of Rolex-buyer joined and then participates enough to share an opinion on the Forum. Beyond that, nothing really.
That's a beautiful DJ II you have there.