Originally Posted by Boothroyd
I commented generically, but I notice a lot of newer members starting such threads. It's their prerogative to do so, but we all comment. Not a fan of the negative thread, myself. It certainly doesn't foster a feeling of mutual interest within TRF.
My $.02.
I believe this is not about negative or positive, If there is a forum that you should only talk positive or even worse to write only positive things about anything ( in this case watches), this is more like to become o non democratic place, and personally i would not like to be part of this. And there should be no space for such things as new or old members, no one should be pointed because it stared a topic that not everyone found helpfull or positive. This is the basic of a forum, generate talking and friendship, I would sit and have a beer with anyone wearing a yatch-master 2, because he share the same passion about watches that I have, but that does not stop me saying that i do not like the design of his watch and vice versa, is just a matter of taste, and probably we will laugh and enjoy our time discussing our watches. Like or dislike a particular model is not a negative thing, is a opinion. If i did ofended anyone please accept my apologies. My 0.2c
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