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Old 1 May 2006, 12:18 AM   #1
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Car Touch Up Paint.

Being a man, you have obviously never so much as chipped your car, let alone scratched it, but it's strange that as soon as you park in a car park, normally between two women. You get back to your Uberwagen some careless ars#h#le has taken all 8 layers of manufacturers paintwork down to the bone.

Even parking in your own driveway is a bleeding hazardous occupation with other cretinous family members passing by with Bicycles,motor cycles or even larger-than-they-can-handle vehicles in a careless fashion.

Really, you are feked,what with Birds doing bomb Dam-buster practise on your bonnet, stones flying around like shrapnel on a world war 11 beach on D day. And the main factor that every other car owner has the manoeuvring skills of a Blindfolded Stevie Wonder in a Submarine in a Sea full of black treacle.

Hence the need for bleeding car touch up paint.

Now in these days of mass production, where even teenage children all look the same, you would think its easy enough to syphon a little paint from the production line, stick some in a little container, and include it in the already huge cost of your new car. Yes?

Bloody No!

Any idiot would obviously deride the idea of having touch up paint manufactured in a different country by colour blind idiots. Leaving the chance of the paint being the same shade, let alone base colour as the original car. As high as seeing the Queen enjoying a bucket of chicken and chips on a Friday night in the KFC car park.

But they bleeding DO!

Whats more, just to add insult to mis-coloured injury, the bloody cruel b@st@rds only give you a tiny smidgen of paint, in a sh!tty little container. With a brush that prefers to drop inside, rather than stay attached to the screw-top lid. which in turn prefers to stay attached to the screw top base. leaving you as buggered as you were before you paid five or six quid for the bleeding thing.

Imagine your glee when the top actually unscrews, and you have fished the brush out of the mis-coloured crap inside. Painted, no 'wiped' the 0.000000001 micro-gram of it over the huge weal. Left by the bleeding woman who used a normal car parking spot. Because some tosser decided to park his Mercedes M class in two of the spacey spots simultaneously...

And the paint it's nothing like 'Obsidian Blue' or whatever...

So, being even more upset than ever, you go to the local dealer for some Aerosol paint.

Now the Aresole paint (They may call it an Aerosol) is three times the price, so MUST be bloody good....but NO! it's actually a transparent version of the touch in pencil, which tints the scratches a different shade of scratch, but still leaves it visible. It's only any bleeding use for tinting your side windows a similar hue to the paintwork, so masterfully, you do just that, but after the first two panes,it sputters to a dribble, as your 0.005 micro-grammes of actual content has ended more prematurely than John Prescott's latest sectary affair campaign.

You can go to your local automotive trade paint supplier and get a half or even a quarter litre paint mixed, they'll even match up your colour by computer now,but the nearest is about 40 miles from me.

So to the Car body repair, yet another area where big business has us firmly by the balls/and short and curlies.First thing they ask if its
a insurance job,it is only a scratch.What the difference I asked
about 4 times as much,but even more if you don't have no claims protection.Now I really don't want to claim from my
own insurance,because I loose my no claims discount.

ICom Pro3

All posts are my own opinion and my opinion only.

"The clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop. Now is the only time you actually own the time, Place no faith in time, for the clock may soon be still for ever."
Good Judgement comes from experience,experience comes from Bad Judgement,.Buy quality, cry once; buy cheap, cry again and again.

Second in command CEO and left handed watch winder
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