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Old 3 June 2006, 03:05 PM   #1
JJ Irani
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First it was "Character" and then "History" !!

Okay guys,

We've been through that "Character" crap and how scratches on your watch give it "character". What a load of crap!!! It's a friggin' scratch for Christ's sake....just a bloody scratch. How does "character" come into the picture??

And then we have the famous statement: "I wear the watch for its History!!" Yikes!! WTF has "History" got to do with your liking (or disliking) a particular watch?? You want History, go watch the History Channel or maybe Discovery. Why would you want History on your wrist?

If I love Rolex so much it's because I love the brand and what it stands for. Not because some dame called Mercedes whatever wore it whilst swimming across the English channel or 'cause of all its other "Historical" events. I love Rolex for what it is....a (bleep) ROLEX!!! Can't be simpler than that, can it?

So, guys, let's leave words like "character" and "History" in their proper context and not confuse them with our beloved watches.

And if I want BOTH, I'd take advantage of the loose "character" in the "History" teacher any day!!! Kapiche?

Cheers - JJ
Words fail me in expressing my utmost thanks to ALL of you for this wonderful support during my hour of need!!

I firmly believe that my time on planet earth is NOT yet up!! I shall fight this to the very end.......and WIN!!
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