25 August 2018, 01:44 PM
"TRF" Member
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 126
Originally Posted by tx02ag
I respect your opinion but could not disagree more. The entry price has already dropped to less than $50k with further reductions within 12 months.
Hybrids did not die when the tax credits ended and neither will Tesla. The tax credit was a major consideration when I purchased my S in 2014. When I bought my 3 this year, it was not necessary as the car already cost less than the other 3 cars/suvs I was considering.
As for profits, the cars have been profitable for some time now. The expenditures of building out a global infrastructure to compete with gas stations was quite the cash drain, but the worst of that is behind them.
Full disclosure: my 3 was $50,000 delivered. The tax credit reduced the cost to $42,500 before gas and maintenance savings which are significant compared to my previous vehicle. If there is another car for that price with this performance, technology, and safety, my research did not uncover it.
I don’t disagree with your opinion about the tweets. He should lay low on Twitter for a few months and let the cars speak for themselves.
The Q3 earnings call will be a huge day for them 1 way or the other. My money is on them.
Let’s reconnect on this subject in 3 years.
Let’s see