Originally Posted by peterpl
This is where I'm not so sure with you my man. If you can see these with the naked eye without a loupe that's a manufacturing flaw. RSC tried this tolerence stuff with me so did my AD. I wasn't accepting that for a $35k watch. Rolex admitted there was a inconsistency and replace the dials. If you don't push there is no reason for them to do it. RSC themselves admit its an issue.
The problem is once you see these your eyes automatically get drawn to the area and thats all you end up looking at. Its not fun or enjoyable.
I just can't believe this is so widespread and I still cant figure out how this is only affecting Rolex. Something is wrong on the way they manufacture their sunburst to have inconsistencies. I cant find these issues with ANY other brand honestly. All their sunburst are consistent.
I agree if it is noticeable and does detract from your enjoyment then yes you should have it replaced and glad to hear RSC did so. It's a good point to raise to check at the time of purchasing as most dials are fine but some are unacceptable, unfortunately while Rolex is riding so high I don't think any QC changes will be made now.