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Old 19 January 2012, 11:54 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by WyoWatch View Post
....for me? Sorry to ask but I am just wondering if everyone else's clasp works the same or if mine has changed somehow. Anyway, I noticed something today that I never noticed in the almost two years of owning my Sub C. I happened to push down on the part that you lift to unlock the clasp while it was on my wrist. It moved and clicked as I did it. Funny I thought, I never remember it being able to move in that direction and like I said made a very discernible "click" sound as it moved... below is an illustration of what I mean with the arrow pointing in both the direction and spot to push on. I didn't have to push with hardly any force to make it do it. If you'd try this for me and see if yours is the same (or not) I'd appreciate it!

...on a another similar note, I have a non screw link on the 12 O'clock side that seems to "bind" for the lack of a better term. I've cleaned it, tried soaking it with rubbing alcohol and nothing. I can break it free and wiggle it but then every time after I wear the watch, the link is bound up again and takes some fairly considerable force to free it. I do not wear my watch too loose or tight (just right with a pinky space) and clean it regularly. The link also seems to free up when running it under hot water so I think it's a matter of expansion and contraction vs. dirt in between the pin and link? Thoughts? If I can't get it to free up somehow is this something worth sending it in under warranty for? Thanks for entertaining my silly questions, I try not to ask them very often here.
that part you are pointing too on one of my bracelets actually popped up! and I had to push it back. Rolex replaced my entire clasp, so just sayn
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