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Old 29 August 2014, 12:15 AM   #1
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American Fantasy Football Discussion

I am assuming a lot of us play fantasy football and would like to discuss it after we peruse all the great watches on this forum.

I think a lot of people are drafting soon so tips and a fun discussion would be nice.

I hope Peyton Manning has another monster season.
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Old 29 August 2014, 12:30 AM   #2
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Just had a draft Tuesday night. I took 3 running backs with my first 3 picks. Didn't even draft a QB until the 5th round and still got Stafford. This is only an 8 man league, but it seems to me unless you want Manning, Rogers or Brees then you have plenty of time to wait for a QB this year. And honestly, I don't think there will be a huge difference between Manning or somebody 8 or 9 spots down the list this year. RBs and WR on the other hand or so elusive these days.
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Old 29 August 2014, 12:49 AM   #3
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Just a personal vent and my apologies to the OP, but I can't for the life of me understand the love of fantasy football. I love football, it, like baseball consumes a great deal of my time and my energy because they both peak my interests. Fantasy football has almost nothing to with actual football. If anything it detracts from football and makes you focus on things that don't really matter in the real world of sports. I did play one season of fantasy and I did ok, middle of the pack but I was miserable hated almost every minute. I'll make a declaration that I'll probably catch some flack for but so what. If you're a fantasy football person or someone who bets on football then you can't be a real fan of football. Because both endeavors really have nothing to do with the true enjoyment of the sport, they have you paying attention to, again, the wrong things. JMHO and fee free to flame-away...
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Old 29 August 2014, 03:43 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Rzani View Post
Just had a draft Tuesday night. I took 3 running backs with my first 3 picks. Didn't even draft a QB until the 5th round and still got Stafford. This is only an 8 man league, but it seems to me unless you want Manning, Rogers or Brees then you have plenty of time to wait for a QB this year. And honestly, I don't think there will be a huge difference between Manning or somebody 8 or 9 spots down the list this year. RBs and WR on the other hand or so elusive these days.
I have 2 drafts this weekend and 2 more drafts next week.

That sounds like a great draft. I am in PPR leagues.
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Old 29 August 2014, 05:01 AM   #5
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I have my first fantasy football draft ever (previously played fantasy basketball) tonight. A friend of mine told me about this site:
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Old 29 August 2014, 06:32 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by wantonebad View Post
Just a personal vent and my apologies to the OP, but I can't for the life of me understand the love of fantasy football. I love football, it, like baseball consumes a great deal of my time and my energy because they both peak my interests. Fantasy football has almost nothing to with actual football. If anything it detracts from football and makes you focus on things that don't really matter in the real world of sports. I did play one season of fantasy and I did ok, middle of the pack but I was miserable hated almost every minute. I'll make a declaration that I'll probably catch some flack for but so what. If you're a fantasy football person or someone who bets on football then you can't be a real fan of football. Because both endeavors really have nothing to do with the true enjoyment of the sport, they have you paying attention to, again, the wrong things. JMHO and fee free to flame-away...
While I have done a number of fantasy teams, I do tend to agree with a lot of what you said. As a fan of the sport, it can be frustrating to be a fantasy player as you are forced to root against a lot of things happening. A 80 yard bomb is great as a fan, but can crush your fantasy game. Similarly, I am a 49er fan and if my fantasy opponent has Frank Gore playing I am in a tough spot...100 yards a and 2 TDs probably means the 49ers win, but might cost me the fantasy game.

That said I played quite a bit of fanduel last season...weekly fantasy for real money...and it is totally legal. New team every week makes it interesting.
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