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Old 27 June 2018, 03:21 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by City74 View Post
Idk of any other business that asks for more when using a credit card. It’s the cost of doing business. No they shouldn’t raise their prices. They can do what they want it’s their business. I’m simply saying I won’t pay it. If they can’t give me the same price paying by CC as I would get paying by wire then they won’t get my business
These are personal or independent sellers on the secondary or used market… they're not B&M stores with storefronts and merchant accounts. THEY'RE not charging you 3% to use a credit card, PAYPAL is. I'm sorry but you are looking at this all wrong. You're holding independent sellers to the same standards as a proper business that has a storefront and all that overhead. You can absolutely shop at those places if you chose - but guess what? Their items are priced higher than these independent sellers. See my previous response - they're building all their overhead and all their risk as a seller into their prices beforehand. That's the trade-off. You pay less on the secondary market, and there are SOME risks involved, although if you do your research most of those risks can be completely mitigated IMO. You seem to want your cake and to eat it too. I guess the secondary market just isn't for you, but respectfully as I said before, I think you're looking at it all wrong.

Actually - I just thought of another real-world example of this, although I'm not sure why (probably has to do with timing in getting their funds from the processor) - gas stations sometimes offer a "cash" price, which is slightly discounted compared to if you use a credit card. Again I'm not exactly sure why they do this, but it is a real-world example of it.
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