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Old 8 April 2011, 07:16 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2008
Real Name: Paul
Location: San Diego
Watch: 126619LB
Posts: 21,540
Icon10 Rolex, Ben Bridge and Dom Perignon

So... The story to this (you guys know by now there is ALWAYS a story with me ) is easy... About three years ago, I was searching for a SS Daytona (who wasn't?!). I wanted to buy from an AD (AT MSRP, remember back then they were going for like... double from the Gray dealers). Well, I walked in to my local AD and told the Very nice (and very beautiful) sales lady, that I wanted one. She.... kind of did this: Anyway, not one to be duanted by a mere rebufing (Kind of like my datng life ) I pursued, and found out some interesting tidbits, for one, the sales lady (and most of the other lady's in there) really liked Godiva chocolates. So... Wallah! The next day they had a huge box of Godiva chocolates... and then, every so often, I would stop by... "Just to say hello" and happen to drop off a box of Godiva chocolates... They kept saying: "We just can't get a SS Daytona, we appreciate the chocolates, but it's not going to do any good" (as they were all eating the candy ). I always responded.... "Oh, I know... really, it's no bother.."

Yeah... well... Less then four months later... I got a call.... "MY" SS Daytona had come in

For the last couple years, I still brought the nice ladies chocolates.... I'd drop them off, telling them to have a nice day, etc. I got to see some of the models not on the display floor, invited to: "Eilite Customer" events etc.

One of these events was last Saturday. There was a very famous movie star (I got my picture taken with her! ) When it comes in you will all see the thread. There was wine, odourves- Odoveuresae- Little bits of food etc. there were a couple big-wigs from Ben Bridge, a VP I discussed Rolex with, it was a blast!

Anyway, there was a drawing for some prizes, the drawing would be held at the end of the event Saturday night, and grand pize was a vintage 2002 bottle of Dom Perignon shampagne! EVERY girl in the store kept telling me... "Make SURE you enter the drawing.... hint hint.. nudge nudge " Me, being oblivious (as to most things I am in life) I said, OK, I'll enter... I never win these things though.

Well.... SOMEHOW.... MY entry was drawn for the grand prize! Gee... the guy that brings the nice ladies chocolates all the time won the grand prize! IMAGINE THAT.....

So, here it is, my Daytona, Ben Bridge, and my newly won prize! It was a pretty cool day! Hope you all enjoyed the story.

OK, but I need some serious help here... Do I store that in the fridge? Can I leave it on the counter? Somebody please help, I'm (pretty much) a non-drinker and don't know the first thing about storing champagne
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