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Old 31 August 2020, 01:17 AM   #61
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People are people. Some good, some bad, most in between. I feel like you have the same issue I used to have around your age. Contrary to what others have said, it sounds like you are doing well financially, take care of yourself and probably look and dress very sharply. It also sounds to me like you are quite pleasant and I assume treat people with the highest level of respect and tact. But, you don't always get the same treatment in return? Does that sound about right?

If so, I know exactly what you are talking about and you may be surprised about why this is happening. I shared many of these feelings and they will only drag you down if you allow them.

I read a great book recently that really changed my outlook on these sort of interactions. It's called "If you're so smart, than why aren't you happy." Highly recommend it,p.
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Old 31 August 2020, 01:18 AM   #62
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I don’t need a Rolex AD to give me a world class service, don’t want the champagne rolled out. If you have the watch I want I’ll buy it.

Always found the experience of sitting with an SA awkward. They are trying to make small talk without offending you, also recently they trying to move low selling watches.

Best experience I’ve had was at a JLC boutique in Miami. SA genuinely loved watches, and just wanted to share JLC references with me. She saw someone who also had love for watches and just wanted to chat about watches. Unfortunately at that period in my life I wasn’t ready to buy. I did the best next thing. I wrote a letter to JLC informing amazing customer experience I had experienced.
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Old 31 August 2020, 01:20 AM   #63
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After such poor treatment I would have asked to speak to the Manager and said "I would have bought that watch today if someone had only approached me". Then, I would buy the watch elsewhere and go back wearing the watch and calmly state "This is the watch I was ready to buy from you if your staff had been properly trained". This modern day passive-aggressive silent approach towards lazy people has got to stop but one really needs to speak up. You would be doing them a favor.
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Old 31 August 2020, 01:32 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by aczaja10 View Post
People are people. Some good, some bad, most in between. I feel like you have the same issue I used to have around your age. Contrary to what others have said, it sounds like you are doing well financially, take care of yourself and probably look and dress very sharply. It also sounds to me like you are quite pleasant and I assume treat people with the highest level of respect and tact. But, you don't always get the same treatment in return? Does that sound about right?

If so, I know exactly what you are talking about and you may be surprised about why this is happening. I shared many of these feelings and they will only drag you down if you allow them.

I read a great book recently that really changed my outlook on these sort of interactions. It's called "If you're so smart, than why aren't you happy." Highly recommend it,p.

I really appreciate your thoughtful and helpful comment. I do exhibit most of those qualities. However. My family is comfortable, I grew up incredibly poor so in my eyes we will never be completely “well” financially (I know that’s an issue I personally have) and really one of the reasons why I waited so long to treat myself with my Rolex. I am by no means the best looking man in the lineup. Good shape but my face looks like an old male lions. I dress depending on the occasion. If we are going to lunch (it’s florida) I wear flip flops, t-shirt and board shorts. I am very well dressed when the occasion calls for it, I will reluctantly admit most of the time I’m over dressed.

I will certainly look into that book and again thank you for the recommendation.

The picture is a inside joke in my family claiming that it’s actually a selfie I took. (To give you an idea of my looks)

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Old 31 August 2020, 01:41 AM   #65
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Lol! It's amazing how many people are intimidated and jealous of a confident person. Lately, I've been trying to teach my kids (and myself) how I carry to carry on in the face of difficult people and situations. I've been looking at how Michael Jordan carried himself and how he treated the media in particular. These guys and gals had it out for him and wanted to knock him down all the time. He never (ok very rarely) gave them the opportunity to knock him down. Just know the problem is not you - it's them and I bet it is a bit of jealousy on the part of the people you are dealing with. Don't let it phase you. Dwell on it for 15 seconds and move on. That's been my rule of thumb because if you are looking (even subconsciously) for reasons other people give you to be upset, you will never be disappointed. Just know who you are and know when to stand up for your beliefs. Most of these unpleasant interactions are not worth your time to think about for very long.
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Old 31 August 2020, 01:52 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by aczaja10 View Post
Lol! It's amazing how many people are intimidated and jealous of a confident person. Lately, I've been trying to teach my kids (and myself) how I carry to carry on in the face of difficult people and situations. I've been looking at how Michael Jordan carried himself and how he treated the media in particular. These guys and gals had it out for him and wanted to knock him down all the time. He never (ok very rarely) gave them the opportunity to knock him down. Just know the problem is not you - it's them and I bet it is a bit of jealousy on the part of the people you are dealing with. Don't let it phase you. Dwell on it for 15 seconds and move on. That's been my rule of thumb because if you are looking (even subconsciously) for reasons other people give you to be upset, you will never be disappointed. Just know who you are and know when to stand up for your beliefs. Most of these unpleasant interactions are not worth your time to think about for very long.

I truly appreciate your constructive comments my friend. Thank you.

I don’t let the opinions of dudes I don’t know on the internet affect my mentality for the most part (I usually am able to even not let the opinions of those I know personally to affect my emotions.) That being said, I don’t back down for anyone. A saying I tell my old lady all the time rings true “arguing with idiots only makes you an idiot.” I should probably take my own advice when browsing the internet. Lol

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Old 31 August 2020, 02:05 AM   #67
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My Porsche dealer. Leith Porsche. They are awesome

But my AD does what he can and I appreciate that.

For watches, Thanh and David are almost impossible to beat.

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Old 31 August 2020, 02:52 AM   #68
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Old 31 August 2020, 03:08 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by MrGoat View Post
Well. I will say I understand your point of view. I will also say I do expect some fluff or at least respect as a potential customer. I expect some sort of welcoming customer service. Ask me my name, ask me what I’m looking for, say hello to me without having to be prompted.

I can go in to any jewelry store that’s not a Rolex AD and get better service. I can pull in the driveway for an open house of a million dollar home in a 17 yr old bmw and be treated with respect and treated as “qualified” for the purchase. So, what is so far up a Rolex AD’s rectum they feel the obligation of such snobbery to treat anyone who walks in their establishment with anything short of a welcoming atmosphere. (I understand there’s loads of people asking for watches that aren’t in the case and this for sure must get annoying) that was not the case with me. I’ve gone in and checked out what’s in the case and gone from there. I probably would have squeezed the trigger on the root beer if I felt more welcomed. It’s on my radar and when my grey gets one in I will buy from them.

All you guys say buy the seller but when the seller is the AD and they treat you like crap no one cares. I’d rather pay extra for customer service.
Well said. All of it.

I’m grateful my AD is amazing. But not all are. Most, especially today, suck because they no longer have to be good. Their product sells itself.

The time will come, maybe someday, where this is no longer the case.

Until then, chin up, and sadly realize that most people will only do the bare minimum while expecting more from others. Keep being you. Sounds like you are doing super.
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Old 31 August 2020, 03:39 AM   #70
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Personally I'm rather astonished that people are willing to play the game.

When Rolex for whatever reason, withholding of product to up the anti, production that can't meet demand, or just creating shortages for corporate reasons, that people are attempting to suck up to a retailer like a nerd at a supermodel convention seems demeaning.

Write a letter to Rolex head office stating your dis-satisfaction and start buying a different product. Whether it's Omega or AP or whatever. Let them know and move on.

As I've said before, it's embarrassing to see people having to suck up to a retailer just for the privilege of letting him sell to you.

"please let me buy something, please please........"

My god.
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Old 31 August 2020, 03:40 AM   #71
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Old 31 August 2020, 03:52 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by pickettt View Post
Worse.....I didn’t get acknowledged WHATSOEVER. 3 employees doing nothing and I couldn’t even get a “hello.” The watch I wanted (for my wife) was sitting in the case but I wasn’t going to reward anyone by pleading for help. Instead I ordered it elsewhere and waited 2 weeks for it to arrived. As for the third degree, yeah, I’m not real receptive of the third degree.
And that’s as it should be. Why give business to someone that doesn’t deserve it? Good for you.
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Old 31 August 2020, 04:12 AM   #73
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If I'm not happy with how I'm treated at a business, I simply don't go back.
That's it. I don't complain to them, I just spend my money somewhere else.
It's their choice to do business how they please, and it's on me to accept that or reject it.
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Old 31 August 2020, 04:16 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by Blansky View Post
Personally I'm rather astonished that people are willing to play the game.

When Rolex for whatever reason, withholding of product to up the anti, production that can't meet demand, or just creating shortages for corporate reasons, that people are attempting to suck up to a retailer like a nerd at a supermodel convention seems demeaning.

Write a letter to Rolex head office stating your dis-satisfaction and start buying a different product. Whether it's Omega or AP or whatever. Let them know and move on.

As I've said before, it's embarrassing to see people having to suck up to a retailer just for the privilege of letting him sell to you.

"please let me buy something, please please........"

My god.
I agree with this.


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Old 31 August 2020, 05:55 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by AzPaul View Post
If I'm not happy with how I'm treated at a business, I simply don't go back.
That's it. I don't complain to them, I just spend my money somewhere else.
It's their choice to do business how they please, and it's on me to accept that or reject it.
I agree Paul. 100%.
OP stated, however, that it’s a 50 mile drive to the next AD. Apparently the principle here isn’t worth 50 miles.
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Old 31 August 2020, 06:28 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by crew View Post
I agree Paul. 100%.
OP stated, however, that it’s a 50 mile drive to the next AD. Apparently the principle here isn’t worth 50 miles.

I also stated I continue to go back occasionally because I hope they’ve gotten better in the customer service Dept.

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Old 31 August 2020, 06:53 AM   #77
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My local pizzeria, the Sunday dinner restaurant where I’ve eaten for a decade plus, my mail lady, and the deli counter manager at my lunch haunt.

Seriously, when I was younger I used to go to the Porsche dealer with my friends and they were great to us. That 928S4 still is fresh in my mind.

When I popped into my AD, the saleswoman was lovely. She pulled out a DD 40, my dream watch, and she let me try it on and we had a nice discussion. I thanked her for the opportunity and she said feel free to come see her when I'm ready to purchase it, lol. It was the first time I met her and I've never purchased anything there.

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Old 31 August 2020, 06:21 PM   #78
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When we spend a bit of money we expect some good old fashioned sycophantic behaviour. Someone to laugh at our jokes, tell us it's a great choice etc.

Let's remember Rolex isn't Lamborghini. It's selling watches to everyman. Maybe they didn't like the cut of your gib, your accent. Your appearance, your mannerisms, personality, maybe they are getting drilled by watch geeks over the new releases. They don't give a damn. There will be 50 people in behind you that day.

Not worth worrying about shop assistants in my experience.
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Old 1 September 2020, 12:00 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by Blansky View Post
Write a letter to Rolex head office stating your dis-satisfaction and start buying a different product. Whether it's Omega or AP or whatever. Let them know and move on.
Agree with the letting them know and moving on part. I truly feel for the enthusiasts who desire a Rolex and end up dealing with all of the aforementioned in this thread.

Luckily there are many brands out there that make an excellent product who would be happy providing a more positive experience. Voting with your wallet is extremely powerful. I would find nothing about these "games" fun and the things we like should bring joy, not stress.
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Old 1 September 2020, 03:38 AM   #80
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Have been doing this for a short time and am fortunate, from what it sounds like, to have had no issues at all with my AD. I am in semi-regular contact with them, they have gotten me a DJ41 blue stick, fluted (love it), a Milgauss Blue-Z, and have offered an Explorer II, which I turned down. My rep told me to contact her after the release of new watches and let her know what I would like. Have not gotten any crazy pieces from them, but I believe they will come, in due time. In the mean time, if I really really want a piece, I will buy it on TRF, and should I be offered the same model from my AD, I will keep the new piece, with my name attached to it and flip the other for what I paid for it.
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Old 1 September 2020, 04:28 AM   #81
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Originally Posted by MrGoat View Post
Well. I will say I understand your point of view. I will also say I do expect some fluff or at least respect as a potential customer. I expect some sort of welcoming customer service. Ask me my name, ask me what I’m looking for, say hello to me without having to be prompted.

I can go in to any jewelry store that’s not a Rolex AD and get better service. I can pull in the driveway for an open house of a million dollar home in a 17 yr old bmw and be treated with respect and treated as “qualified” for the purchase. So, what is so far up a Rolex AD’s rectum they feel the obligation of such snobbery to treat anyone who walks in their establishment with anything short of a welcoming atmosphere. (I understand there’s loads of people asking for watches that aren’t in the case and this for sure must get annoying) that was not the case with me. I’ve gone in and checked out what’s in the case and gone from there. I probably would have squeezed the trigger on the root beer if I felt more welcomed. It’s on my radar and when my grey gets one in I will buy from them.

All you guys say buy the seller but when the seller is the AD and they treat you like crap no one cares. I’d rather pay extra for customer service.
I agree and well said -

Since there are so many flippers going into my AD begging them to sell them a SS sports model he has turned his nose up to the world. In 2009 to 2011 my AD would beg me to buy SS Daytona's and other sport models. Now he could care less and acts as if he doesn't even know me.

Now my best AD experience is with DavidSW hands down. I can text , call or email and he's always there ready to help and he appreciates that I come back.
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Old 1 September 2020, 12:46 PM   #82
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Old 1 September 2020, 01:13 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by Blansky View Post
Write a letter to Rolex head office stating your dis-satisfaction and start buying a different product. Whether it's Omega or AP or whatever. Let them know and move on.
Try an NTH Barracuda. It's an amazing product for the money. Mine is my daily wearer. Gilt dial. Keeps great time. Great lume. Don't have to worry about it getting stolen. I change the oil with it and don't think twice.
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Old 1 September 2020, 11:01 PM   #84
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Interesting idea for a thread.....
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Old 2 September 2020, 12:15 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by MrGoat View Post

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Not a bad look. I'd roll with it.
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