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Old 24 May 2021, 11:46 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Kansas City
Posts: 5
Originally Posted by Phanophish View Post
Interested in feedback towards getting some desirable but not impossible sports models without having to purchase pieces that I will never wear. I own several quality watches, Omegas, Tags, IWC etc. but most have been purchased preowned so I don't have a AD history. I'm looking to start with some Rolex pieces. Ideally I would like an Explorer II Polar & BLNR over the next 3-5 years.

I had one AD offer me a DJ41 and a promise I'd have a Polar II in the next 6 months, but I'd rather not have a DJ collecting dust or that I need to flip and take the same loss as I would on just buying the Polar on the grey market. I'd much rather put that with some other dollars and have a Explorer I or even perhaps a Tudor.

Is it realistic to hope an AD would start with a Explorer I or an AirKing when I have no other prior relationship? Both those seem to have relatively little premium on the Grey Market so I would think are realistic on a 4-6 month timeframe. Then maybe a Sub, the Polar and finally BLNR over the next 3-5 years.

I'm not in a hurry so don't mind waiting but I also don't want to wait years and then wind up with nothing or worse end up going to the grey market at even higher prices in 5 years.

Thought I'd close the loop on this and share my experience with my local AD which would up being exactly what I had hoped. Purchased a Tudor Pepsi GMT about a year ago. They had one in stock on the bracelet. The SA was very helpful and we chatted other watches a bit while she sized it up for me. I've been wearing and loving the watch since. I shared I was looking for a couple of other Rolex SS sports models like the rest of the world but that what I really hoped to get was a BLNR. Stopped in a few times over the last year and said hello and chatted a bit. Was in just a few weeks ago and although my normal SA happened to be out I tried on a Pelagos but didn't pull the trigger since I'm also contemplating a Speedmaster. We did chat availability and deliveries of Rolex and she said it has been particularly slow this year even with the non showstopper new releases. In general news was not good so I left still contemplating going grey for the Rolex I want and a bit discouraged to be honest.

Well imagine my surprise when I got an email from my normal SA last week asking if I could stop by the next day because she had the BLNR I had been hoping for if I was still in the market. Needles to say it went home with me that day and was a complete surprise and overall great experience at my AD.

There are good ADs out there and the wait, while kind of long, is worth it.
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