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Old 19 February 2007, 04:39 AM   #1
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The Standard A.D. Line.....

I mentioned this in another thread but thought it interesting for its own.

I am convinced that it is a "training tactic" for a store clerk at an A.D. to standardly answer when asked re: discounts off of MSRP: "our store policy is to not discount because we do not want to lose our AD license - our rep told us that 11/12/13/etc. licenses were pulled last year (or in the last six months, etc.) for selling below MSRP.....". I would even bet that the tactic comes from Rolex itself! - The purpose being trying to maintain the highest level of pricing for their product. I believe that AD's are allowed to discount (probably wihtin a range and based on the age of the watch) and or charge more when warranted. I also believe that they are "encouraged" not to.

I suspect that some ADs do get their licenses yanked. I heard of one situation where an AD was selling a Rolex with an after market diamond bezel claiming that it was a genuine Rolex bezel. I also heard of one getting its license yanked for doing internet pricie listings.

Question - does anyone have an educated guess as to the mark-up on these watches (the difference between MSRP and what the jeweler pays to Rolex or its wholesaler)?

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