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Old 17 June 2019, 06:16 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by mrblue View Post
Why do people feel bad for a group of salesmen selling everything they have in stock? I'm sure profits are at an all time high.
No sympathy for the owners/managers but perhaps for the individual sales rep that has nothing to do with the current situation and have to deal with the customer frustration.
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Old 17 June 2019, 06:16 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by superdog View Post
Dealing with customers is tough enough.

Dealing with a bunch of spoiled, entitled, luxury buyers/customers that stamp their feet because they can’t get what they want garners some sympathy from me. But that’s just me.

Totally agree

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Old 17 June 2019, 06:20 PM   #33
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I have a lot of good friends who are ADs.

Personal friends, and friends who I know from business.

Other than Chinese tourists coming in with pictures of the BLRO from VAT reasons, and the odd street walker who thinks he can pick up a Daytona, they are doing absolutely fine.
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Old 17 June 2019, 06:32 PM   #34
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Hence forth, today 17th of june shall be the official AD Appreciation Day
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Old 17 June 2019, 08:45 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by superdog View Post
Dealing with customers is tough enough.

Dealing with a bunch of spoiled, entitled, luxury buyers/customers that stamp their feet because they can’t get what they want garners some sympathy from me. But that’s just me.
Oh no that sounds terrible. Can we start a goFundMe campaign and start collecting funds for these poor, abused ADs...
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Old 17 June 2019, 08:51 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Chiboy View Post
AD: “I sell all of my $10k - $50k watch inventory for full price, netting me 40% almost as fast as it comes in. In addition, customers go out of their way to buy all the non-Rolex stuff we sell, in hopes that I will bestow a hot Rolex on them every once in a while. I get as many Rolexes as I used to, but because the economy is so good and Rolex hasn’t raised prices in 7 or 8 years, I could sell even more if I could get them.”

Psychologist: “Oh, that’s awful. While it sucks to be you, try not to let it get you down.”

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Old 17 June 2019, 09:00 PM   #37
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It must be terribly difficult dealing with former Masters of the Universe and Legends in the Own Minds who, when they cross the store threshold, are instantly transmogrified into Just Another Dude Who Wants a SS Watch. Awful.
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Old 17 June 2019, 09:12 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Marcjvr View Post
Oh no that sounds terrible. Can we start a goFundMe campaign and start collecting funds for these poor, abused ADs...
This might have been funnier in your head.

Everyone deserves to be treated with respect regardless of wealth or social standing, and irrespective of whether the person is the customer or sales assistant. Being bullied, harassed, belittled, patronised or intimidated while you are at work is not ok, yet it happens to people in retail daily (as it does in many industries), and wealthy/entitled clientele are often the perpetrators because they are used to getting what they want when they want.
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Old 17 June 2019, 09:20 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by watchmaker View Post
This might have been funnier in your head.

Everyone deserves to be treated with respect regardless of wealth or social standing, and irrespective of whether the person is the customer or sales assistant. Being bullied, harassed, belittled, patronised or intimidated while you are at work is not ok, yet it happens to people in retail daily (as it does in many industries).
I agree but let’s not get carried away...There are bigger problems in life than too many customers coming in with money to spend and having to turn them away. A small percentage of them may get upset but what can you do...that’s life and it goes on. If an AD truly feels bullied they can count there money to help remind them why they are in that job in the first place.

We have heard plenty of stories about of ADs being rude or trying to bundle hot items with non-hot ones. Plenty of rudeness on both sides but let’s all spare each other the “woe is me”

Thank God we are just talking about buying and selling shiny watches and not critical life support systems...
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Old 17 June 2019, 09:37 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Marcjvr View Post
I agree but let’s not get carried away...There are bigger problems in life than too many customers coming in with money to spend and having to turn them away. A small percentage of them may get upset but what can you do...that’s life and it goes on. If an AD truly feels bullied they can count there money to help remind them why they are in that job in the first place.

We have heard plenty of stories about of ADs being rude or trying to bundle hot items with non-hot ones. Plenty of rudeness on both sides but let’s all spare each other the “woe is me”

Thank God we are just talking about buying and selling shiny watches and not critical life support systems...
I mostly agree with you. There are worse things happening in the world.

Where I disagree is an AD making healthy profit doesn’t comfort the sales person who is the one on the receiving end of rude/disrespectful/harassing customers. Nor does spending a large sum of money justify such behaviour.

I completely agree it is equally not ok for staff to be disrespectful to customers either.
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Old 17 June 2019, 10:46 PM   #41
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If you want to feel sympathy for an AD, go visit the AD in my local mall. They sell 30 brands but not Rolex, and are located 100 paces for a Rolex only AD. Judging by their aggressive discounting, they are desperate. I don't feel sorry for Rolex AD, I feel sorry for someone trying to sell a Bulgari Octo for $16k. Fantastic innovative watch, but no one cares.
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Old 17 June 2019, 11:01 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by superdog View Post
Dealing with customers is tough enough.

Dealing with a bunch of spoiled, entitled, luxury buyers/customers that stamp their feet because they can’t get what they want garners some sympathy from me. But that’s just me.

This ^^^^^^

I do feel bad for AD’s. And I feel worse for the sales people who rely on commissions. It’s a terrible situation for them to be in. To have to pick and choose which customers to satisfy knowing that the ones left empty handed will feel resentful. Trust me, they would much rather sell a watch to every single person they could.

I realize sales are probably still at an all time high and maybe some of the ADs are not hurting for business. But still, they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Rolex is the hard place not providing inventory and the angry is the customer with the rock. Ready to sling it at the AD when they can’t get what they want.
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Old 18 June 2019, 12:16 AM   #43
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Not that long ago, I was in one of my favorite restaurants at the bar.

I see a guy that I know is into watches. Specifically Rolex watches. We start chatting.

He tells me that is is furious that his AD did not give him a discount on a watch. Goes on and on about how many watches he has bought there, and for how long he has been a customer.

I go into the "these are different times". it is hard to expect discounts when most people are simply thrilled to just be able to buy one at MSRP. He continues on.

I respond by saying "I just bought this gold piece from the same AD. In the past, I would normally get some good discounts on everything. On this one, again it is gold, and not a very popular model, I got a very small discount. in the past, I could have expected significantly more off of gold. but it just does not work that way any more".

i continue by saying "most certainly you can't get SS at a discount". i also explain that i have gotten SS from them and i don't even ask for a discount anymore on SS sports watches.

We continued on with light conversation. he says "guys, I just realized i forgot to do something, I will be right back". the bartender and i thought it was a little odd, but okay.

he comes back 15 minutes later. apparently he was so incensed that i got something off a gold watch that he had to contact the AD. he spent 15 minutes yelling at the AD and saying how upset he was and that he would never shop there again.

he told the AD that his neighbor just told him they got a discount there on a popular SS watch and that he was furious that he was not being treated the same way. The AD actually said, "is this Seth you are talking about, because he bought gold, not SS".

the guy comes back and asks if i am seth and tells me the story. my jaw hit the ground. i was in shock. he apologizes for throwing me under the bus. even though his story was not factual and not what we discussed, nor what i said.

he felt bad enough that he bought me my lunch. it was surreal.

fwiw, i found out later that he had not purchased any watches there in many years. and when he did, it was never a rolex.

i do not think he is an isolated incident. this happens.

am i holding a pity party for the AD's? no, i am not.

but when someone creates a thread with this topic....yeah, i feel it is appropriate to show what some of these guys need to deal with.

i mean, just look at the brattish behavior on this forum. it is literally daily that someone acts like a petulant child. why would we not expect that much of this translates into the store itself?
If happiness is a state of mind, why look anywhere else for it?

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Old 18 June 2019, 12:25 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Madman37 View Post
Naaa they are just paying the victim I am sure they are one of the keys to the grey market. They are all laughing at us. If I was Mo Salah and walked into WOS in London and said I want a Daytona Ceramic they would pull it out of the safe there and then.
Indeed (even though I had to google Mo salad)
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Old 18 June 2019, 01:05 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by glamorama View Post
No sympathy for the owners/managers but perhaps for the individual sales rep that has nothing to do with the current situation and have to deal with the customer frustration.

this, +1

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Old 18 June 2019, 01:23 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by superdog View Post
Not that long ago, I was in one of my favorite restaurants at the bar.

I see a guy that I know is into watches. Specifically Rolex watches. We start chatting.

He tells me that is is furious that his AD did not give him a discount on a watch. Goes on and on about how many watches he has bought there, and for how long he has been a customer.

I go into the "these are different times". it is hard to expect discounts when most people are simply thrilled to just be able to buy one at MSRP. He continues on.

I respond by saying "I just bought this gold piece from the same AD. In the past, I would normally get some good discounts on everything. On this one, again it is gold, and not a very popular model, I got a very small discount. in the past, I could have expected significantly more off of gold. but it just does not work that way any more".

i continue by saying "most certainly you can't get SS at a discount". i also explain that i have gotten SS from them and i don't even ask for a discount anymore on SS sports watches.

We continued on with light conversation. he says "guys, I just realized i forgot to do something, I will be right back". the bartender and i thought it was a little odd, but okay.

he comes back 15 minutes later. apparently he was so incensed that i got something off a gold watch that he had to contact the AD. he spent 15 minutes yelling at the AD and saying how upset he was and that he would never shop there again.

he told the AD that his neighbor just told him they got a discount there on a popular SS watch and that he was furious that he was not being treated the same way. The AD actually said, "is this Seth you are talking about, because he bought gold, not SS".

the guy comes back and asks if i am seth and tells me the story. my jaw hit the ground. i was in shock. he apologizes for throwing me under the bus. even though his story was not factual and not what we discussed, nor what i said.

he felt bad enough that he bought me my lunch. it was surreal.

fwiw, i found out later that he had not purchased any watches there in many years. and when he did, it was never a rolex.

i do not think he is an isolated incident. this happens.

am i holding a pity party for the AD's? no, i am not.

but when someone creates a thread with this topic....yeah, i feel it is appropriate to show what some of these guys need to deal with.

i mean, just look at the brattish behavior on this forum. it is literally daily that someone acts like a petulant child. why would we not expect that much of this translates into the store itself?
Damn. That is crazy. I would not have been happy with someone throwing me under the bus like that.

I've been hesitant in the past about recommended friends to ADs.

Bought a Grand Seiko from an out of state AD last year. Nothing major and just a single watch. A friend asked for a reference and I gave him the contact. He called/emailed the AD a bunch of times using my name (even thought I don't have some extensive purchase history and he knew as much). After all that communication he just went silent and ended up not buying anything. Obviously every deal doesn't have to happen and I know it's their job, but after that whole thing I won't give friends references anymore if I know they aren't serious.
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Old 18 June 2019, 01:25 AM   #47
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man, i find all the incessant whining and complaining and finger pointing so tiring.

boo hoo the big bad sales people and managers and owners aren't getting me the watch i want. let me figure out who is to blame and complain about them.
If happiness is a state of mind, why look anywhere else for it?

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Old 18 June 2019, 01:36 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by glamorama View Post
No sympathy for the owners/managers but perhaps for the individual sales rep that has nothing to do with the current situation and have to deal with the customer frustration.

At least for the ADs that also sell pre owned the sales reps have pre owned as their saving grace. They might not be selling the current hottest pieces pre owned but it only takes a day or so to move an older SS sports piece from what I’ve seen at the larger ADs with a pre owned business.

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Old 18 June 2019, 01:38 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by Monty22 View Post

I have a new job and have $10k of room on my credit card. I’m out of here! Thumbs down on Yelp for you

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Spot on! This is the reality of the American consumer, their integrity and conduct, and the real state of our economy. All this deficit spending and boorish behavior is going to come home to roost shortly.
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Old 18 June 2019, 01:49 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Syed117 View Post
Damn. That is crazy. I would not have been happy with someone throwing me under the bus like that.

I've been hesitant in the past about recommended friends to ADs.

Bought a Grand Seiko from an out of state AD last year. Nothing major and just a single watch. A friend asked for a reference and I gave him the contact. He called/emailed the AD a bunch of times using my name (even thought I don't have some extensive purchase history and he knew as much). After all that communication he just went silent and ended up not buying anything. Obviously every deal doesn't have to happen and I know it's their job, but after that whole thing I won't give friends references anymore if I know they aren't serious.
bro, i connected a random TRF guy to my AD. Direct to the manager.

I figured, why not hook up a TRF enthusiast to get a hard to get watch? And my friend (the manager) gets a new customer. It is a win/win. everyone is happy.

Then the TRF guy asks me how much he can expect off. I told him I would not expect anything off.

A few days later he tells me that he thinks he found another one, so likely won't get one from my guy. But that he did think about buying it to flip and make a profit. he wanted to be nice though and not do that because i made the intro. i thanked him for his courtesy.

last time I do that.
If happiness is a state of mind, why look anywhere else for it?

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Old 18 June 2019, 01:54 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by superdog View Post
man, i find all the incessant whining and complaining and finger pointing so tiring.

boo hoo the big bad sales people and managers and owners aren't getting me the watch i want. let me figure out who is to blame and complain about them.

Bad day?

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Old 18 June 2019, 02:03 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Moggo View Post
Bad day?

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not a bad day. but of course i get why you would think that.

just tired of it.

ill retire from this thread. it'll only get me banned.
If happiness is a state of mind, why look anywhere else for it?

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Old 18 June 2019, 02:43 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by superdog View Post
not a bad day. but of course i get why you would think that.

just tired of it.

ill retire from this thread. it'll only get me banned.
i just think everybody is frustrated, but it is what it is. There is nothing to do but wait patiently. This is not like we are in a 3rd world country waiting for water and bread. Some people just do not get it, they wine and cry to their AD like they are owed something.

I could not believe that story you mentioned above, I would be very embarrassed to step foot back into that AD after what this guy did to you.

Needless to say, it is either pay up at grey or wait at AD. I choose to wait at AD and enjoy what I do have in hand. I hope other members do the same, and that call will come sooner than they think
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Old 18 June 2019, 03:09 AM   #54
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I'm actually convinced that Rolex as a company does not give a crap about its customers or ADs. They now seem to only care about their brand name.

For them to "limit" their supply of the most popular models, when they don't have to, should say a lot about what the company cares about most; themselves. No other company has such a stranglehold on their respective industry as Rolex has on the watch market. Even Apple has major competition in Samsung and LG.

They can easily produce less two tone Datejusts which by the way, are the only watches left in the AD's showcases throughout the USA and Asia with SA's standing around fiddling with their phones while the occasional unknowing tourist asks about when they might be able to get a Sub, GMT, Daytona, or any other sports model. My dealer recently told me he gets asked 15-20 times a day about the availability of sports models to which he has no answer to other than "we don't have any at this time and we don't know if or when we will get anymore in." In Singapore, don't even bother putting your name on a mythical list. You'll never get the call unless you've spent $50k-100k.

So in conclusion, I feel bad for the ADs. They don't seem to fully understand Rolex's business plan when they could increase production of their Sports Models by 20% making it easier for the dealers to sell more watches while also making is possible for us to be able to get a sniff at a Daytona, Sub or GMT.

Oh and one final point. A few months ago, I took my father's DJ 36 to the service center b/c it was running horribly slow. They told me it was just a few months out of warranty but needed a full overhaul plus a new crystal. I asked if we could just do the overhaul without the crystal b/c it looked just fine to me and I was told a resounding no. Ok, whatever I said as they slapped me with a $900 fee and only a two year guarantee on their service. I love the brand but c'mon a gimme break! 4 months out of warranty and you're making me pay full price for an overhaul plus a crystal? And I wasn't allowed to do an overhaul without replacing the crystal that looked just fine? It had a scratch on the 3'Oclock side and I was told it might compromise the water resistance. What???????

Despite all this, I still love their watches and have had 7 different models (currently three) as well as my wife who owns 2 and my father who owns 1, my father in law (1) and my mother in law (1). I'm not hating on them, more like constructively criticizing their business practices.
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Old 18 June 2019, 03:26 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by superdog View Post
not a bad day. but of course i get why you would think that.

just tired of it.

ill retire from this thread. it'll only get me banned.

I get where you are coming from, the whole thing is tiring.

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Old 18 June 2019, 06:06 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by Madman37 View Post
Naaa they are just paying the victim I am sure they are one of the keys to the grey market. They are all laughing at us. If I was Mo Salah and walked into WOS in London and said I want a Daytona Ceramic they would pull it out of the safe there and then.
You mean in the red half of Liverpool, right? If he tried that in London they'd set Ramos on him first.
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